Special Thank You (And Why VOD Reviews Matter)

March 2nd, 20 days ago, I posted my first vod review request for my tank. I was 1850, and had never been higher. I played game after game, and I constantly hit that 50/50 winrate. And today, March 22nd, I hit platinum.

For what it's worth, thank you to:

Present (Even if it was for an Ana review)

And especially Niccolo , for very detailed and incredible vod reviews on how to improve on my now platinum Zarya, who was mid silver not even a month ago :heart:

Vod Reviews are by far the BEST way to get out of ELO hell. It just takes dedication and willingess to get better and accept criticism.
Thank you for the help
(Also I’ll unprivate my profile so y’all can see, don’t mind my support I’ve been busy) :slight_smile:


wow you’re too kind.

made my night a bit better just seeing this :slight_smile: thank you for being so cooperative and willing to improve. i’m here to see your climb as you grow stronger as a player and to help you along the way as best as i can. there’s a lot of good outlets on the forums and i’m glad i could be of service.

keep up your good work.


thank you, it was really helpful :slight_smile:


of course, anytime :slight_smile:


I guess you could say your name is… Gohan.

Hahaha okay I’ll go

Congratulations! May I recommend Spilo,
(http://www.twitch.tv/spilo?sr=a), Xyan (http://www.twitch.tv/xyanow?sr=a), ioStux (https://youtube.com/c/ioStux) and Realth (http://www.twitch.tv/realth?sr=a).

Also, of course, the rank 1 Zarya, A10 (http://www.twitch.tv/a10nerd?sr=a).


And so many people call Zax a troll, even when he’s genuinely trying to help. He’s a good guy, I think most people are thrown off because English isn’t his first language.


The power of learning!

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Not seeing much ‘and why VOD reviews matter’ in this. This just sounds like like you didn’t exhaust all your resources before sending in your own gameplay. Did you look up guides for your characters? Did you actively catch yourself making mistakes? It’s genuinely not hard to improve your gameplay without subjecting yourself to a VOD, and I don’t understand why VODs matter.

It mostly sounds like they matter at higher ranks and levels of play where it’s harder to find genuine places to find your mistakes other than things like ‘oh, I shouldn’t have gone in there’ etc. But I see pros and coaches do the same mistakes they say not to do quite often, and it usually boils down to ‘someone didn’t use x resource on them when they should have’.

I’m also the type of player that doesn’t adhere to the honestly often toxic positivity I hear from people. So many people tell you’ oh stick with it, you’ll always have a chance of winning’ when it is quite clear that, no, you won’t. Sometimes you just get matchups you will not win, no matter how hard you try–sometimes it implies changing core fundamentals of your gameplay on a game-by-game basis.

When you practice something, which the community of OW seems to universally agree that practicing your heroes is important, you’re not going to be able to out-practice someone who has decided to focus on your characters hard limits. Sure, Ball can outplay Sombra, but if that Sombra has decided to save Hack almost exclusively for said Ball, the best you can hope for is playing around her, which already deals a massive blow to your efficiency, before even any fights come in.

So, I tend to leave my games. It’s easier and faster than constantly trying to adapt. You save time on your games, and the only real downside is your win rate plummets but… win rate already doesn’t matter really. Sure, one can make an argument of like… depriving yourself of meaningful practice, but how many Hanzos, McCrees and Ashes does it take to realize sometimes there’s just nothing you can do about them when they decide to play safe? DPS have crept in power now so hard that no healing and no tanks can survive sometimes even one of them. A Hanzo Storm Arrow plus a shot or two and hitting big tank head hurtboxes takes that tank out in seconds. Faster than it takes to actually dive them with more than one person.

To dive one of these DPS now, it takes 3 or more characters, which seems why dive is practically dead when the DPS being dove know how to play their heroes.

But I got off topic, point is, I don’t adhere to and don’t understand why VOD reviews matter. It sounds like you could have improved if you just took a moment and thought about your own gameplay–you didn’t need any outside sources telling you that.

I played with you yesterday. Remember HahaEasy? I thought you would remember me tbh :disappointed_relieved:
Your Zarya is cracked

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a10 is such a cool guy! definitely recommend him

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I have watched guides. It’s all the same bread and butter routine. Make good bubbles, maintain high energy, focus squishies and hold off angles. It ends up being more complicated because while those are good tips, it’s circumstantial to whatever your game was like to know how to do that or what that’d look like to get it done. It’s really hard to “catch yourself making mistakes” when you don’t know what mistakes youre making since you’ve never asked what mistakes youre making. When I was told I held grav for too many fights, I didn’t know that. I had to be told that was a mistake. When I was using my bubbles haphazardly on people who weren’t in immediate danger or combat, I had to be told that was a waste because it gives the enemies an opportunity, and cuts me short of energy and saving a teammate. Case by case scenarios can’t be shown in a guide. I had to ask people, in the scenario I was in, what was the best play? If I show all the cards on the table, which I can by allowing them to see the gameplay, they can show me what the best thing to do was. That is something a guide can’t do. Because as you later detail, there will be players who are out to get you. You use a sombra against a ball as an example. I’d bet a million dollars you can not find a guide online on what to do when youre playing ball and a sombra exclusively saves a hack for you. However, if you post your gameplay on the forums and ask what the best move is, better, more experienced players will be able to tell you what THEY would’ve done. Something a guide online just can’t do.

I figured it didn’t have to be explicitly said why VOD reviews matter, as I figured the blank proof of going from mid silver to plat in 20 days would be enough considering the absurd amount of people who complain about being hardstuck silver or gold for smurfs or constant complaining on one of the other roles, as you can see in the general forums.

If you’re not experienced enough to leave gold by yourself, you’re most likely not experienced enough to give yourself unbiased advice on how to do better just by giving yourself time to look at your own gameplay. And besides, if that’s the case it’s still a vod review. It doesn’t hurt to ask another person their thoughts.

Also, if you’re going to make an argument on something I said I suggest you cut down on the excessiveness that doesn’t exactly apply to the topic. I’d suggest limiting out these paragraphs:

But considering you’ve now openly admitted you preemptively leave games, you deny criticism about your games(branding it toxic positivity), youre a brand new account and you can’t see the simple point of a post without bringing in useless and circumstantial anecdote on a hypothetical ball vs sombra scenario, I can just deduce you’re a troll and we’ll leave it at that.


I’m glad the boosting service worked for you. :slight_smile:

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Hey glad to help :slight_smile: Its nice you mentions people who tried to help and congratulation to reaching plat :slight_smile:


the comp experience.

is there a vod review spot on forums?

you know, that actually would be a cool thing to implement… but mainly people just post a topic with a vod in it


Well done, congrats on reaching plat!
People should link this thread to anyone who complains about inescapable elo hell from now on.

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I don’t even play comp. I don’t have a need for all the rank shaming. Without a rank, the most anybody has to go off of is flawed data that isn’t accurate to any actual experience. Which means I effectively cannot be held accountable. That’s also a pretty huge leap of logic to say I ‘deny criticism about my games’–generally not caring isn’t the same as denial. And if it’s so useless and it’s so long winded, why did you feel the need to respond in the same format?

This is the problem and why I call it toxic positivity. Brand new account, long time game watcher. I see the point, I argue that your improvement could have been accomplished the while time on your own if you took the time to think about it yourself. From what I hear, the average player base resides in gold and plat, to the point where it’s a stigma for whatever reason. So you went from below average to just about average. …Good job.

Nothing about a VoD helps in the moment, in the decision making. It’s not hard to know where you messed up in gameplay. What tips given evaporate the moment it is another game. I don’t appreciate being called a troll for simply telling you that you have no reason to believe wholeheartedly that the VoD review was the sole reason you climbed. Someone simply told you not to do something. You could have come to the same conclusion on your own.

What ‘they would have done’ doesn’t automatically make you improve. Everything you have said sounds not only like a placebo effect in action, but the fact you have to get so absurdly defensive about it to the point of calling me a ‘troll’ is kind of telling.
‘Vod Reviews mattering is why they matter’ is not an answer. The mistakes you were making I can tell you right now that they were bad habits that I have seen guides tell players not to do.

So rather than do the ounce of work of looking it up yourself, you decided to subject it to a group of your peers for… what reason exactly? What did you get out of it that was of note? What you described I’ve seen in guides for Zarya, did you just miss those? Are you bad at looking up information? It’s not difficult. None of what you said immediately justifies VoD reviews or explains why they matter, it simply explains why you think they matter.

Going from below average to roughly average–maybe slightly above at most–just shows there were things you could improve with. Nobody needed to tell you that, you could have figured it out on your own. Or maybe you couldn’t have. Maybe you’re the type of person that needs to be told what you’re doing is wrong before figuring it out yourself. If that’s the case that’s really disappointing, you’re probably capable of so much more without needing to blindly believe in something that was always in your reach.

The advice isn’t for those who don’t even try. It’s for those who want to improve. Probably why you got such an issue with it.