Sound. Lets Talk About, Sound

Footsteps, ultimate call outs,sound effects, etc. as the game as gone on sound is this game has gotten a bit worse where there needs to be a major tune up imo.

For example, for MONTHS now I’ve noticed and commented about Sombra’s hack sound, how sometimes you don’t hear it when it confirms. Also I don’t like that the hack sound happens where the enemy is instead of where Sombra is, so I can hack a Ball rolling past a wall and I will barely hear anything at all because of the distance.

Also I wish there were more ways to further customize our listening experience.

Anyway, I really hope this is something that will be addressed with OW2.


i have had some issues with dissapearing sounds as well. just the other day i was being fried from behind by sym beam and i wasnt even sure what was damaging me cause there was no sound at all. almost all sounds seem to work well for the most part, but at random moments they are just missing.


Sounds are regularly non existant if the source is not in your field of view. I have little hope of this being addressed, as the official stance appears to be that this was a Windows issue. Which is pretty amazing, as I didn’t think Windows was on my PS4.


Don’t get me started on Sym’s kit, for as much damage as it can do it doesn’t make enough noise for me, and it’s even worse when you hear nothing at all.

Smae here, if that were the case I would go make beats on my Windows Playstation while I wait for long queue times. lol.

Most sound issues seem to happen after a big patch, when they do maintenance it fixes some issues but bugs creep back in, it’s only natural as you add more to the game.

People bring up the “missing sound issue” practically every week now. I made a megathread about it a while back (2 years ago almost), video evidence, compiled threads from other people experiencing the issue, etc.:

Nothing’s come of it so far, people keep getting the problem. Blizzard might not know what the issue is, or it’s just not high enough a priority for them to fix. :man_shrugging:


Exactly. And when it was announced as “a windows issue”, it was fixed that same month by windows and other games affected were suddenly back to how they had performed previously.

However, the sound issue in OW predates the “windows issue” and goes back as far as summer 2016 (unfortunately the first threads of it on the old forums are now gone). Some people try to say its a person’s equipment, but this is also not the case. I’ve suffered with this audio bug and gone through multiple different headsets and still had this sound issue. Hell, my spouse and I have the same headset and only I get the dumb silent footstep issue.

I’m gonna go with the latter, since they’ve said a few times that they fixed it, and yet…here we are.


Seems like the latest patch brought the problems back in full force for me. All footsteps, some ultimate callouts, various abilities (most importantly Teleporter and Shadowstep), and enemy Symmetra’s beams are all silent lately. These issues had all been gone for quite some time, until recently.


I have to say it’s an amazing difference going from Apex Legends which has a fantastic sound system to Overwatch where some ult sounds will cut off entirely. Sometimes I’ll die to a rip tire without ever hearing junkrats line. Or a McCree will stealth high noon and I look like a moron in the replay. It really stinks


I think they have so many moving pieces that it’s not a huge priority unless its REALLY bad. Every time they stabilize it they lose it after they push a new patch.

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There has been a drop in sound recently, before you can hear enemy Symmetra Turrets now you need to go to settings and make mute everything else to hear them.

That or my headphones are dying.


I mean, i’d consider the sounds to be a vital part of the game, given the way it’s all designed. Certain sounds are meant to be important (ie hog and reaper footsteps are meant to be high priority sounds for specific healers), and the high priority sounds are also the sound effects that are bugged and do not play.

It’s also been a problem that’s persisted for 4 years… :pensive:

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I’ve had to turn subtitles on to prevent Silent Hanzo Ult Syndrome.


I suspect it’s a difficult problem to reproduce and address. The bugs seem to happen inconsistently across different hardware/software configurations, and the primary audio solution was developed by a third party (Dolby), so the internal team might not be equipped to fix it.


I wish this worked for stealth ninja Piggy syndrome. lol.

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Yeah, the sound is kind of annoying. As Tracer, I like to hear for flankers and it really throws me off that Tracer sometimes, and only sometimes makes that little “hup” sound when she jumps. So I don’t know if I’m the one jumping or if it’s an enemy Tracer that jumps because it’s so inconsistent.

I don’t hear any of that. All I hear is: “Hi!”, “Greetings!”, “Hello!”, “Thank you!” and “And they say…”. Let’s do something about voiceline spam first.

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I don’t like the fact that you can’t hear half of your team ulting too ( unless you’re in their face )

Soldier, ( Tactical visor activated )
dva, ( Activating self-destruct sequence )
rein ( Who doesn’t have a team ult voiceline AT ALL ),
Hanzo, ( Let the dragon consume you )
Mei, ( FREEZE! Don’t move )

are just a few off the top of my head that only have local voice lines ( you need to be near them to hear them ).

I could be pressing tab to look at my team and notice a teammates ult meter is back to 0% and not even noticed they’d used it.

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ally zarya ult is another one that tends to be super duper quiet unless you’re looking at her while she throws it.

One thing I will say is if you press the “My ult is ready” button before using the ult it will broadcast it to the entire map for your team.

Why this isn’t standard I don’t know.

Damn I don’t know if it’s hilarious or sad at this point
Although is there any game with good sound?