Sorry but Mercy is absolutely terrible

In this game you need burst healing and the only burst heal you get from her is when you’re dead.

She sucks. End of discussion. Any other healer is better.


it’;s abad idea to give everyone a burst heal just cuz.

she is balanced how she is. maybe revery the 60hps or make it 55hps. but thats it. she’s not a burst healer, she’s a sustain healer.


Eh, going to disagree with the fact that you need burst healing. Lucio and Zen both lack it outside of their ults just as an example.

I think burst healing becomes much more beneficial with high health pools (so tanks). It helps sustain them through high moments of damage that others wouldn’t have survived.

Mercy is great at keeping DPS alive though, and she can work well alongside others with burst healing ironically for keeping tanks up. I think next patch she’ll overall be in a better spot, despite receiving no direct buffs.


*In this meta.
Don’t confuse current issues for lingering ones. I guarantee that if Hammond came out before brig, everyone would be begging for bliz to nerf him, but because he came out in a 3-3 meta, everyone thinks he sucks. Same is true for mercy, when a meta comes around that she fits with, everyone will want her nerfed, but now that it’s not her meta, people want her buffed. Context is always important, and in context of being a 3-3 meta rather than a dive/2-2-2 meta is mercy’s main issue, not being underpowered.


Perhaps this rework might interest you.

damage creep at its finest


Mercy is a dive comp healer. Moira is too slow to heal dive, and Ana’s Bionic Grenade loses its value when everyone is spread out. In the current meta Mercy has no value because her movement is not needed.


No, she’s bad in a 2-2-2 Deathball. We don’t even play goats on ladder, it’s not the meta, it’s Mercy just not being useful.

Damage is bursty and inconsistent. There’s no use for a consistent healer.


Swap res and valk, literally that’s all I want.


What value a single target healing beam when damage is spread?

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make up your mind


I wouldn’t say absolutely terrible, but she could use 55 HPS.

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Mercy’s definitely not “absolutely terrible,” but she could use a little healing buff

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By that logic, Bridget’s repair pack is the only viable source of healing.


Then dont play her? Holy crap im a genius


Deathball is the ladder meta and Mercy doesn’t synergize with deathball. She wants her team to be spread out so she can make full use of her insane mobility. Dive is much better for Mercy, same with triple DPS.

She is fine as she is. Changing anything at this point would just make her too strong again. 60hps was broken.

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Mercy has one of the best movement abilities in the game, and Valkyrie allows her to AoE heal and fly freely. She’s practically a dive healer by design.

When the dive meta was prominent, everyone was also complaining that Ana didn’t have any movement ability to escape. But now, in the GOATs comp meta, Ana is the best healer.


i mean…in my last comp game, i think i can point our winning to me being a capable mercy and bouncing back and forth healing and rezzing people…i got 14k healing
So is she terrible at every rank


The damage class feels the same. Burst damage is king, burst healing is king.
Hopefully the immortality field in the game pushes towards more sustained damage. Maybe if it does, then the sustained damage will be better healed by mercy than burst heals.

At least that is what I’m hoping for.

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It’s just that ever since Moira and Ana released everyone wants each support to have their own HUGE burst healing or, more specifically Mercy to have her own burst healing since she’s considered a main healer.
I still think Mercy is viable, but it’s that this game has constant issues of balance when it comes to new heroes getting added in dealing more damage or heals.