Sooo... the Hog changes?

He means second dance for Roadhog. It’s Twerking.

I’m going to guess a new ultimate.

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Doubt it but hope so, whole hog is complete trash

Considering wholehog can nearly disable a Genji ultimate, it’s not that bad.

I figure it’s like a gun version of a Winston ultimate.

Unless genji decide to deflect, it does completely destroy an ulting winston though

Probably not. they said it wasn’t a rework and entirely new ultimate sounds like too major a change to not be a rework. plus i like whole hog, it does need some buffs/changes, but i don’t think it needs to be replaced

Then you just look away for a little bit.

Also a deflecting Genji is burning up his precious 6 seconds.

its not completely trash, its just hard to use. in order for it to be a effective it either needs to be knocking people off edges, or into a wall for alot of damage. i do think its needs some buffs like cc immunity during it, but as an ability its not awful, but too reliant on map design to be amazing, a few changes would be great

Well I figured by now they would have just given up on making his kit optimal and started to push towards making his ultimate the reason you would take him.

the dev team literally said “its not a rework” so i don’t know why people think he’s getting new abilities. the new animation thing could possibly because of a change to his hook or rate of fire. if it was completely changing an ability i;m pretty sure they would of called it a rework.

i’m pretty sure blizzard is trying to stay away from that with recent reworks like symmetra and torbs. they made torb less reliant on molten core as an ultimate, and symmetra is well… symmetra is really awkward right now

dude. seriously, please cease nagging on another person’s thread about another character.

It is impolite and really not helping the image of Mercy “mains”.

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Exactly, Blizz always does things nobody asked for, so I think it will be something that won’t help him in the slightest and he will remain trash. But who knows, maybe I get surprised in a positive way.

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What version of Overwatch were you playing? Mercy has always been popular, yes, but meta? Nah. Thank the rework for that.

Edit; I forgot myself, sorry. I’m excited to see Hog changes because he was always a favorite tank of mine behind Orisa. I hope characters like Bastion and Reaper also see some love. Lucio’s pickrate is still pretty low so he could probably benefit from being looked at as well!

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Oh they read it all right, that’s why Hog was nerfed into oblivion (and Papa Jeff even stated Blizz did listen to the forums not the data and that they might have gone too far)


Exactly what are the hog changes?

How about the doomfist nerfs?

I wonder when people on here will learn that a dev response is not an invitation to lobby for your pet issue.

Let the Hog thread be about Hog.

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This is not going to be a wise argument at this point and time with all things and dispositions considered, but… where can we see the numbers that “proved” that Mercy players told their team to die on point? What statistics led to them believe that Mercy abandoned her team to hide and rez for that big rez? Were there charts making the distinction between a Mercy getting out of harm’s way and hiding? A venn diagram to differentiate a Reaper leaving their team to flank for their sneaky ultimate versus a Mercy taking cover to survive with her ult?

I really would love to see all of that, because I’m fairly sure it was actually just hearsay and angry streamers.

That said, it’s probably good they don’t 100% listen to the forums, because then Ana would be getting nerfed soon. :’)

I am looking forward to seeing what they’re doing with Roadhog. The poor dude is an ult battery at this point and getting a sick hook doesn’t feel nearly as rewarding as it used to. Hog was there to punish poor positioning, plain and simple. We need these balances and counterbalances for a healthy game.

I would guess they’d put his ult on E and give him a new one instead but Jeff did say it wasn’t going to be a rework.

My guess is being able to still use his primary while using Take a Breather.

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