Sooo... the Hog changes?

I’m happy that you are proud on your opinion over others. But i can’t change and don’t want to change your mind :man_shrugging:


I am not proud. I state facts.


It’s not like dev responses in threads inevitably end up with people asking about everything under the sun because they think there’s a better chance of being heard. Nope, that’s got nothing to do with it - just Mercy players being off-topic for no reason.

I see this as a symptom of a severe drought in communication with and from the developers, not as a Mercy main-specific problem. It just affects them disproportionately right now because they’re unhappy and asking for a lot more than “a tweak.”

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It’s a bit sad, but I must say, I’ve noticed that as well. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that this has been happening for a long time - even before the nerfs…

I think part of it has to do with how “conditioned” a lot of our community is now to be against Mercy and it’s playerbase since the Rework, and Mercy being OP for 5 months. The frustration with Mercy players not having their voices heard by the devs for so long doesn’t help either, causing them to voice their opinions even more on the injustice. People who are tired of it also voice their opinion even more to try and silence them. Loud minorities add ontop of it with rumors and misconceptions. And the vicious cycle continues.

Quite honestly, with how hostile everyone is now a days when anything regarding Mercy is mentioned, it makes me wish that the rework never existed in the first place with how many balancing problems it’s caused, as well as how Mercy was portrayed in OWL / social media. I think more straightforward communication with Mercy players by the team, more effort in understanding their concerns and responding to it, and qwelling the many fires brought up surrounding the toxicity against them in general by addressing it as a problem and not something that should be encouraged or ignored, would remedy a lot of what is going on in this community right now.

But of course, I don’t speak for them and can’t predict how they feel about all of this (or if they even care). Just my two cents on it. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


As someone who vehemently hated Roadhog, I am not looking forward to this.

I’m happy with just intensely disliking him.

Hanzo is in the vehement spot.

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I really don’t think anyone wants to “hate” Mercy players or the character themselves. Mercy still has a valuable role in being a good introductory character that is easy to pick up and provide value with even in shield heavy enemy compositions. But the issue is that there is a lot of holes in regards to how the game is designed where there are numerous characters whose use-cases are far too narrow to justify them on most maps, or otherwise have their intended role beaten by another.

It would be great if we could fix the issues with Mercy, Roadhog, Reaper, Symmetra (to an extent), Mei, and Reinhardt in a couple of days with some good communication. But due to the divisive nature of people questioning what is balanced at all, as well as the continual spaghettification of the code, it’s only getting harder and harder to make balance changes that don’t tip the scales and end up creating either another Mercy 2.0-2.1 or another OG triple tank situation.

The thing that isn’t really helping anyone is trying to suggest a radical change is needed. If we think about someone like Soldier, he’s already been getting more playtime simply due to just increasing his effectiveness at range. He didn’t need a full rework or change. So the continued push for a Mercy rework is both not terribly productive but also just inciting reason for both sides to fight one another. Current Mercy has the toolkit to perform well but just needs some adjustments to bring her slightly closer in line with the rest of the healers in the roster.

Except winston is a main tank. The word youre looking for is anchor tank.

And dont hi jack threads


Yeah and not to mention someone brought up Doomfist before Sovereign brought up Mercy, just that Sovereign 's post stood out more because its longer, so no, they weren’t the first to bring up another character in the thread

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No Symmetra changes?

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Yes! That’s what I like to hear!

this week… from here to next tuesday, or from here to sunday? if is the second case, it means it would be on thursday or friday (tobjorn ptr was on friday)

Take a breather will heal nearby allies for 30hps.

I have the feeling, that im just gonna be disappointed again when the changes go live on the PTR, cause we all know we wont get what we asked for.

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and what about some reaper changes…

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That said, as long as Roadhog is fun, effective, and his old skillset is still useful I’m happy to see whatever the devs have in mind.

Mercy mains should probably start taking a similar approach.

-Duration reduced to 10 seconds
-Healing increased to 80hps
-damage boost increased to 50%
-Slow reduced to 50%
-Cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds
-Allies are now revived at 50% health

Mercy mains just want Mercy to be more fun. They don’t care about her being meta. Most mercy mains don’t want mass rez back.

i hope they just give him something that replaces his CC so we dont end up have to play against a ranged brigit because thats what hog was

I think the problem is there’s a lot of people on this forum that care more about Mass Rez or something similar, than they do about making Mercy Fun and Balanced by any method as soon as possible.

if roadhogs enables CC bunker comp a lot of players will just leave

playing against orisa/hog/junkrat/ snipers or mccree/ ana/brigit


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