Something tells me MMR is out the window

Totally disagree , it exists and been in game for a reason .

There’s definitely something weird going on. I’ve been playing tank this season and I’ve been on a losing streak yet every game I play the average SR rank shown at start is consistently +300 SR to me. I’m falling in SR but staying in the same SR range of games. If I don’t deserve the SR why am I constantly being put in games +300 SR to me.


The matchmaker doesn’t use SR at all when deciding who to place in what game. Never has. The matchmaker is exactly the same between QP and Comp except that comp doesn’t allow bronze players to group with GM players as a standard rule. That’s all.

The only thing that can be derived from player level would be map familiarity. It doesn’t necessarily dictate player skill in the vast majority of cases.

For tanks, especially, the default accepted value is 300sr+. I’ve seen, and heard, of players being placed as far as 500sr apart for the tank role ever since 2-2-2.


Don’t they have SR range of how wide the SR gap can be when forming teams? My suggestion is that we should widen that SR gap even more and doing that ironically could lead to even more balanced matches. Why? Because in regions like ours (OCE; Sydney server), there’s just not enough people in bronze. And trying to form teams based on small pool of players will inevitably lead to skewed games.

And frankly, there’s just too many people with alt accounts in bronze which messes up the MMR matchmaker and the whole PBSR system. This is further exacerbated in our region due to significantly smaller playerbase. People who are in stacks also skew the balance of the match in their favor too somehow. Since whenever I’m getting steam rolled by the enemy team, it’s due to either the enemy being a six stack and/or them having more smurfs them us.

Imo there should be two types of matchmaking system that changes depending on amount of players available at any given time. If there’s more than enough players in your rank, the matchmaker should be tightened as much as possible, at least to the extent where the game can still be found within 5 minutes.

If however there is not enough players, then the matchmaker should widen the SR gap even more to accommodate for the lack of playerbase. This will lead to the matchmaker not having to form teams from small pool of a playerbase.

It’s actually an illusion. Even the grouping SR divide is based on your hidden MMR. There have been cases where people are EXTREMELY close to the border of the SR gap that they aren’t actually able to queue with each other. The SR system has been refined to the point where that’s not typically the case anymore but it did happen. (See:

The Matchmaker widens the scope of people it will place you with/against over time (roughly every 120 seconds) as well as what server you’ll be placed on the longer you have to wait. That’s why your wait times for OCE are so long, especially at offpeak hours. You’re essentially waiting for the matchmaker to say “okay i’m gonna have to widen my scope for this player”.

You could do something drastic like blocking OCE and forcing your connection to Japan or LAX (us-west). You’ll have faster queue times but your ping won’t be… that great. (This is an advanced technique so… use at your own risk. See:

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And when you don’t reset things to recalibrate for lowpop conditions, you get sparsity effects, which further throw the matchmaking down into Irvine-tier quality. Where everyone bad seems to think they can gamedev.

I get stuff like this too. They can’t even host properly anymore.

Correct. Each alt impart all kinds of disruption. Someone even quantified it based on ratio of alts to reals. It’s an interesting read. Here is a reference:

Statements like this are subjective and great for you, but they objectively carry no weight. In fact, they make you look like some entitled gamer who skipped math class to game.

The point the OP is getting at: In lowpop conditions you really can’t make statements about rank and/or where you belong. If 10 people play then the top person occupies all the rungs for the top 10%. It’s not the distance between rungs but the ordering (that matters most). If they reset everyone would be labelled silver-plat and that would be fine from a nearest neighbour match-selection perspective, and it would be fine from a skill-resolution perspective (you need high pop to find relative ranks near tail ends).

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I literally saw this on my last comp game but ok

What are you talking about? I literally had a 3200 player on my 2950 rating game LMAO

How does that make me look “entitled?” :joy:


I never questioned what rank labels you saw in your game. I’m saying 1. rank labels don’t even matter anymore. and 2. In a high-integrity ladder, there would be only minor appreciable differences in 250sr deltas. That would be a perfectly acceptable skill resolution for most matches (resolutions most experts couldn’t spot the diff). Even more so in lowpop conditions.

Your “lmao” seems like you expected things to be spot on in SR labels.
Apologies if that’s not what you meant. What kind of SR gap would make you not “lmao” about your match?

Whatever you say :+1:

I wouldn’t mind a reset tbh. Won’t help the noobs who think the MM is anchoring then down but for us with a bunch of alts it’d be like getting gifted a bunch of new alts :innocent:

I dunno about you but have you tried accounts low mmr? Its hard :sleepy:

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Then tell your friends and get more people onboard!

A reset alone won’t cut it, but it will help. They need mmr-free gaming (no tampering with the lobbies for rigged odds/outcomes). And they need to mitigate alt accounts with pay2play so it’s a real competitive experince not a disposable one.

Everyone will benefit from reset + few alts + SR-only matches. Especially the high skilled players. You won’t be handicapped and your alts will be remixed instead of concentrating in the most vulnerable ranks. F2P in ranked is asking for it to get MUCH worse.

And in lowpop 5+ year old ladder season? Recalibration is king. Everyone stands to gain/benefit completely from a reset as well as from mmr-free system. Restoring integrity means people can at least talk about ranks like they mean something. It’s a way to reincentivize winning.

No thanks. Not very productive to help you wage your crusade. :wave:

Most of the people I know don’t actually care about any of that anyways. Either they play casually or want to actually want to improve at the game instead of hope it improves them.

Probably safe to say I’m in the same boat.

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Good so you’re basically abstaining which means we can move forward with getting mmr out of the game. MMR exists only to rig, and the game really doesn’t need to be rigged, so why use MMR?

It’s already “out the window” as the OP says. Hopefully it will be gone in season2.

Receipts just being receipts, I wouldn’t worry too much about the things he says.


tell me then. what does it represent, why is it useful and why do you care how many hours someone of the same rank has put into the game?

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even this is not entirely true. people could have created custom games to learn the maps before playing. you dont know, and thats the issue with tying anything other than time to someone’s level.

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the two of us being the “we”, and the implication being that we are in control of that choice?

you’re gonna have to retry :brain:

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oh i know

just shooting the :poop: for fun while i wait on stuff :laughing:


This just isn’t true. I started playing at the start of 2018 and saw people from silver all the way up to diamond in my games when I first started. Sure, it’s more frequent now with a smaller playerbase, but it absolutely used to happen too.

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Out of curiosity - what would you propose using in place of MMR, were it to be canned?

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You’re correct enough. I mean it in a general sense but you are entirely correct. They could have gotten every level in arcade, for all anyone knows.

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