Something for Genji

I will take that as a compliment


Wait, there is a reason for the complaints? What was that, again?


I dont think he needs more compensation nerfs on his blade honestly, last compensation nerf maked him worse than before lmao

I think 29 dmg shurikens would be fine honestly.
I also want them to try something crazy with deflect but I’d like to see where 29 dmg shurikens puts him.

What if instead… We made the deflect animation do 29 damage? That would make… Everyone happy!

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Hmmm. I like the idea! Sounds pretty balanced actually, maybe he might still be a bit undertuned. So give him 29 dmg shurikens when he has his ult active like you mentioned in the other thread. Finally genji will be meta! :heart_eyes:

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Nani Owo would be so proud of my 29 damage suggestions. He can just feel the dragon we share through the connections in our soul!

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Ok now I have to call him to this thread xD

Nani if you’re reading this scroll up to see our amazing genji buff ideas.

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True I see plenty of these

GeNjI maInS juSt WanT hIm BroKen

I love how RedRobbie predicted somebody like you would join the post

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Since 2016 and one month in 2020. He had a lower pickrate then mei in GM last week

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And I love how you and other Genji buff fanatics have not realized the H button exists to swap off such a disaster of a hero you can’t play. :wink:


Where is Egryn when you need him :smirk:

Then also take away Widows Gun please xd

Even if you nanoblade, prepare for all six players to throw every cooldown at you.
Playing genji is PAIN sometimes.

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I am NOT your saviour

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Me: blades without nano.
Every single stun, boop, and crowd control ability in the game: and I took that personally.

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No he’s undertuned and needs some slight buffs.

I don’t really care about how much he gets played in low ranks. He is dogwater when you can counter him.

I’m the one on the receiving end against him 99% of the time. I barely play him and I know that he is bad.

Tbh that’s the only way he’ll be able to get any buff.

I thought you were JASONBENT lmao.

They need to press H because you can’t play him into any team with a brain at all.

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He is still hot tho…(but Hanzo is hotter)


go in the workshop and make 2 rules doing this,

ongoing-each player

is firing primary == true

set damage dealt, 103.571
wait until, not, is firing primary, 99999
set damage dealt, 100

do the same for another rule but replace “is firing primary == true” to “is firing secondary == true” and replace “wait until, not firing primary, 99999” to “wait until, not firing secondary, 99999”. for the duration, let’s say you wanna nerf it to 5 seconds. you will have to put its duration to 83%. if you want to increase his ult cost then set his “ult generation, combat” to 95 for 5%, 90 for 10%, 85 for 15%, etc.