Some sounds are not working in-game

Sounds that do not work as of right now:
Critical Hits (Only some of the time)
Health Packs
Certain Ultimates/abilities. (Examples: Hanzo’s dragon roar, Winston’s thud as he hits the ground, Dva getting into her mecha)
Activating a Venom Mine (It says “triggered” but does not make the hissing sound)
Sombra’s hack (The sound of being hacked at the end does not play)
Tracer’s recall/blinks (She just disappears, as if the player disconnected.)
And a bunch of others that are minor, but are still missing.
I’ve found only a select few who also have this issue, but I really hope Blizzard fixes this as the game is becoming unplayable. I did not have this issue until the latest patch, and before that the sounds were gone when the update was JUST on the PTR. I’m pretty sure this is an issue with the new update since it was so large, but I have tried so many different things and my sounds will not work correctly. Did my sound files not finish downloading? Or is it just a bug that came with this update? I don’t know, but maybe somebody else does?
EDIT: I figured out how to fix it! it was thanks to a video on youtube actually haha, super glad I found it. If anyone else needs help here is how to fix it:
-Press [Windows + R]
-Enter: C:\Users(yourname)\Documents\Overwatch\Settings
-DELETE settings_Vo (Go to recycle bin and delete it completely)
And that should work! Super glad I found this!

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At least its just sounds. My game keeps saying connection lost every 30 mins or so.

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Check this thread, with blue response about this issue: Sound problem, missing soundeffects!