Some Nerfs and Buffs from the Patch Notes you probably haven't noticed through bugfixes

Here are some changes that might make a bigger difference then you think.

This is a change that may have slipped passed some of you. Until this patch comes out characters like & Orisa received less knocked back while shooting causing them to be way harder to knock away.

When flies or Mercy is in Valkyrie they’re both immune to soft stuns which when this update goes in will make a big difference. There are times where when Mercy is rezzing you couldn’t push her away without a hard stun. For those of you who had soft stuns and didn’t like the fact that flying in without her movement disrupted now can probably mess up her dives.

Even as an Ashe player myself I didn’t even though this was suppose to be a thing. Because there are times I don’t even notice how low my ammo gets.

Same thing as I said above except I believe it affects Orisa more than Dva.

I’m glad they finally fixed this even though its a bug fix its mostly a nerf for Reinhardt. There was still plenty of times of being way off the ground and sit getting hit by Earthshatter.

Never really noticed this one but its a QoL buff but I don’t ever see the situation of this happening much.

I feel bad for some of you Symmetra players out there. Considering her Primary Fire has been nerf along with Torbjorn becoming a 250 HP hero which Symmetra needed (100 health/150 shields) they fix a bug that really wasn’t that OP for Symmetra’s Ult. I already believed her ultimate was kind of lack luster since it didn’t come up frequently enough to be consider a very good Ultimate in my opinion.

They need to give Symmetra a good buff soon because to me she always gets the short end of the stick.

To all you Widowmaker players out you’re tech that you’ve been abusing is now gone sadly.