Some effects don't appear even if the effect limit isn't reached yet

Okay so in my gamemode, I technically DID use a lot of effects, but at some point in the gamemode, all of those effects will be destroyed and I’ll just create new ones, like a new level, but for some reason when I try to create new effects (specifically light shafts) they don’t appear at all? now im pretty sure i didnt reach the limit since I destroyed all the effects that i previously created before creating these ones, which doesn’t really make sense?, I also tried to check all the vectors that I used for its location and it was all correct. I even checked in workshop inspector that the rule and its actions actually was executed but the effects still didn’t appear, Is there a reason for this?

I have no idea (especially not without seeing your code), but maybe there is a limit to the effect ids. You could try to delete the saved effect ids after you have destroyed their effects.

4XT8T here’s the code if youre curious, I wanna know whats wrong :frowning:

It works fine for me. Just teleport to (3, 2, 45) when you create the new effects and you will see them.

omg it suddenly works well now!, I dont know what happened before ._., but oof thanks for the check!

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It was obviously my magically blessed presence wich fixed your issue :innocent: