Sombra's hack should force Bastion into turret mode

oh yeah, forgot to mention Bastion should spawn in turret mode. I’m being serious

I’m not too sure this is sound logic. Not all robots can be microwaves. I could also design a microwave which is also a robot as its secondary purpose. Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the lore, I’m not sure why a walking mode would be considered the secondary form of the robot. I would think of it much like military turrets/artillery/etc, which can commonly be mobile by default, but then deploy into a stationary turret form.

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To late we saw her Blackmailing Zarya in the Comic to kill her Omnic friend when She kills her.

And How stupit would that even be once she is in the System she is in She doesn’t like half hack them xD

Yea not gonna work in any shape of form. Even if we exclude Omnics.

How I said Like what is Doom gonna do? walk and Meele?
Or Ana
Genji just gonna die too?
Tracer is going to be lost in Spacetime I guess.
Winston could use his Gorilla Strength and Punch people I guess.

So even excluding Omnics and Robots you render 17 out of 30 Heroes usless to the point where they could walk and Meele.
For 6s
with a Casttime of 0.65
on an 8 s Cooldown

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So, let me get this straight:
You, a Bastion main, want to be turned into a gatling gun when Sombra hacks you because you think gatling gun is your primary function, but if there was a humanoid, walking robot (like Bastion) that turned into a microwave it wouldn’t make sense for Sombra hacking him to turn him into a microwave because “we have microwave robots now”? Do you really not see the dissonance in your statements? You obviously just want to make it so you can kill Sombra easier when you’re on your main. It’s so easy, just headshot her lol - recon mode is even more accurate, just aim better.

I’d still like a link! Maybe I’ll buy copies for all of my friends!

You’re most welcome! Let me know if you ever want to make your ideal game that isn’t anything like Overwatch.

what percentage of Bastion is turret and what percentage of Bastion is humanoid?

I would say 80% turret, 20% humanoid…just look at play time :wink:

but I still don’t think you’re with me

basically think of a transformer. if there was a turret, that also changed into a boat…no child would be interested. it’s the anthropomorphic characteristics of bastion that make him special, therefore, his primary form is turret

please don’t bring balance into the discussion because the numbers could always be tweaked.

so yes, doomfist couldn’t do anything… but I think doomfist would be like hog, it’s not so much where the electricity comes from, it’s what the character is at their core… Doom is a karate man, you can’t hack a karate man.

I’ll come up with a list of how I think hack will effect all characters according to my logic. Look for it soon. Thanks.

Just to debunk your Lore version too in two different ways:

1 ). Bastions side
Bastion is the last Bastion unit. And he seems to be terrified with what Happened to his “race” and to what they did to the Humans.

So What do you think Bastion identifies himself more the Killer mode (Turret) Or his lesser Killer mode (Recon).
So Bastion would clearly disagree with you.

2 ). Sombra’s Side
Sombra hacks him…
Why the hell should she active or not disable his absolut killer mode?

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Amount of time spent in a certain form is not what percentage he is of that thing. That’s like saying my rubik’s cube is “99% solved” because I solved it and set it on my shelf and it’s sat there for a year now without me touching it.

I have to disagree with you there. You’re essentially arguing that the thing that defines him is an arbitrary perspective of coolness factor based on which form he’s in.


this, but also… think of bastions (pre-bastions) development. he was first a turret, then a smart turret than a really really smart turret, then a turret that could walk. this is my line of thinking

Is it called “Tactician: the Game of Battlefield Strategy”? That’s what I found when I searched for “tactician board game”


Or his Peashooter shotgun? Seems like Electronics too me?

  1. He would need to lift his whole arm without electric Support
  2. What is a karate chop gonna do against most of the Heroes?
    I mean sure against someone like Junk/Sombra or Ana without protection it may be effective but how do you think he is getting close with no movement ability and his Enemy having working guns?

And what about the other 16 Heroes?

And why can’t I hack the Payload/Objective to do what ever I want???

Also Recon seems enough to me kappa:
Credit: @Xaron

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When you pick Bastion recon mode is his primary form.


You can’t compare previous models of bastion units. Bastion is a specific model that contains a set of features. Those features are all bundled as one singular set. Bastion himself was not a stationary turret that gained the ability to walk. He’s had the ability to walk since the day he was designed.

Your argument is sort of like cars gained the ability to move using wheels as a secondary feature because the internal combustion engine was developed first and that didn’t have wheels on it. A car is a combined set of features that defines one thing, just like bastion is a specific robot/omnic model that contains the ability to walk by default. Since this is their primary means of moving around the battlefield and turret form is their offensive mechanism, it stands to reason that his default mode would be walking up until the point he engages with the enemy. How long he is then engaged with the enemy has nothing to do with his default state.


I’m going to play overwatch. I will address everyone in the next couple of days, but I’m just going to play a match or two right now.

thanks for all the insightful comments!

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I’m pretty sure in lore points the Bastion units were built and designed to resemble a human form first and formost… the Omniums and the cooperation that built them had no real reason to make sentient stationary turrets… it just doesn’t make sense in a practical perspective.
Just think about it… if a Bastion unit can’t change their mode, they need to be of use as soldiers still… a non-moving turret wouldn’t fullfill that as much as a humanoid robot…
then there is also the design itself… why go through the process of creating a deliberate humanoid form with hands and everything if the main functionality of that form is just to move, wouldn’t it make more sense to have him move with his primary damage source, his minigun here, ready to go at any given time?

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Good luck in your climb!


Holy balls I love Gravity Falls. Alex Hirsch is a frakking genius.

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This seems contradictory. If it’s the anthropomorphic aspects that make him special, surely that’s his primary form? I’ve never considered Turret mode his primary form and I’m curious as to how you arrived at the conclusion.

When I think Bastion personally, his recon mode comes to mind, as his turret form is more an amorphous blob of metal.

Same with Transformers personally. Although their vehicles are iconic, I don’t think of talking vehicles as the main protagonists, I think of anthropomorphic robots who can transform into vehicles. But this is subjective I suppose and perhaps different debate.


You… You do know that bastion is a robot that can transform into a turret and not the other way around right?


The my 76 bit of humour stands (pun not intended) given he’s the only character that can full on sprint. Might as well be the same with WB and his ball form. Just let Sombra hack WB so he’s forced into ball, his most mobile state.