Sombra's hack ability needs to be changed

Personally, I get more annoyed when being hacked than being slept. Most of the times i respect the Ana for predicting my movement to hit the sleep dart. As for sombra’s hack, I still feel so annoyed when getting hacked as how easy hacking ability is. I think hacking ability required more skill involve.


Sooo do you have any sugestion or are you just
“i don’t like that please change”


There are many ways to make hack ability to be more skill-based ability. I dont care how it should be. All I care is that hack ability needs to be a skill-based ability.

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Sombra has one of the largest performance discrepancy of any hero in the game between ladder and gm, and gm and average people.

She does so poorly on ladder that they were actually going to buff her until they saw Contenders.

She is one of the hardest heroes to master and only the pros can use her to a good degree.

In what world is she not skill based? Skill doesn’t just mean aim.

Winston is another hero with a huge discrepancy and he doesn’t require it either.


i clearly said that her hack ability is the one that is not skill-based.

Why does it need to be changed, though? Because it annoys you?

It’s interrupted by 1, even zero damage. And it still breaks and sometimes transfers to a different enemy because it’s a channeled ability.

I get it’s frustrating, but, I think Genji is more annoying than any CC. I think being headshot is more annoying than any CC. I think being killed is far worse than being hacked. Lol. Just because it’s annoying doesn’t mean it necessarily needs a change.


Her hack is the vast majority of her character. And I just showed it is skill based. If hack wasn’t skill based, there would not be that discrepancy.

It just isn’t AIM based, which is not the same thing.


Doom was skill based hero and was nerfed to the ground. Sombra had a role countering doom. Now doom is so nerfed sombra should be nerfed also. Sombra is all about denial of the abilities and making trash others. If blizzard is really going for stop the crow control, then they need to give a big nerf to hacking ability and ultimate.

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Doomfist came after Sombra. Her state has nothing to do with him.

Sombra does not need a nerf. Stop following some dumb meme hitlist.

She was not dominant in the owwc and she performs so poorly on ladder that buffs were planned.


How do you even propose that it take “more skill?” Do you want it to be like a Zarya beam that has be held perfectly on-target for the whole channel time to work? That would then make it worthless against Tracy and Genju.

No buffs are planned for her. Every PRO player is asking for nerfs for her. She was absolutely dominant dps in world cup.

Hacking ability is a HARD CC shouldnt be in the game at all.

Every pro is not asking for Sombra nerfs. She wasn’t used that much, same as every other dps. And was only 2 hours more than Widow.

Hack is just factually not a hard cc.

I also never said that there are buffs planned. I said that therw WERE buffs planned because of how poorly she does on ladder, but they cancelled them. And that is the truth. They cancelled them because of Contenders.

Which goes back to my first point. She has one of the largest discrepancies. In other words she has one of the largest, if not the largest, skill performance gaps of any hero.

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Her hack is fine.

Aim is not the ultimate test in skill and I am sick to death of people trying to push accessibility out of overwatch. We all do not want to settle for Mercy.


We are talking about an ability that can make other character unplayable for 6 seconds which is as good as death. Saying aim is not the ultimate test in skill in a shooter game is an arguable.

Unplayable? Don’t be dramatic. Hacked enemies can still shoot their guns, still run away and defend themselves. They just can’t rely on their abilities like storm arrows or shield bash.


A world cup dominated by triple tank triple support?


Personally i dont feel the problem is mastering sombra.

I strongly feel the problem is getting your team to capitalize on the disruption and openings she creates. Even at a GM level of play coordinating this outside of a 6 stack can be a pain.

Pros have the advantage of being a consistent team all working on comms- GMs do indeed coordinate better than, well- basically any tier below. But even there it can be difficult

As for OP- i feel hack is largely fine.

I say this as someone who has doomfist and lucio at the top of their play list.

It sucks to be hacked.

It sucks to be shot too.

Youll have to rely on your team to help you if you cant do 1 point of damage during her channel time.


I don’t know how much more skin based you want the ability that gets neglected and put on cooldown after taking literally one damage.

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How would you do that in a way that both makes it easier for the average Sombra player to actively and consistently find impact from their team whilst not reducing the amount of impact it has since her winrates are evidence of her being at least somewhat balanced?

Only thing I can think of is increasing the time it takes to hack in return for a damage threshhold but in doing that it either makes her weak or overtuned.

The hypocrisy is off the roof here.

Is Tracer’s blink and recall Skill based abilities?

Is genji’s deflect, right click, dash, double jump skill based?

Hell, even McCree, do you claim that flash bang that results in death MUCH more often than a hack is something that’s skill based?

The “skill based” requirement pops up only when something annoys you.