Sombra's (Balance) problem

She has to be in decent range to hack and it takes time for the hack to complete, so I wouldn’t call it zero risk or unavoidable.

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You know hack visibility is a problem when her nendoroid has a better representation of hack than she has in game.

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Her range is quite long though, and I just mean that Hammond has no way to stop her from hacking him while he’s in mid air. That’s it. I don’t even think it needs to be changed necessarily, it’s just the reality of playing Hammond VS. Sombra. When you’re playing other characters and you’re getting hacked, the ‘counter’ to stop it is to deal damage to Sombra before she completes the hack (very difficult) but all other characters have this option. Hammond in a ball can do no damage, and if you want to shoot at her you have to transform out of ball form.

Basically it’s just really easy to hack a Hammond ball flying through the air compared to hacking a Pharah or a Dva who’s shooting at you.

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MEMES all day. Fun Fact: You can now post double post in your own thread now.


I like all these changes actually. What would you say to a buff to her stealth duration or decrease in stealth CD? And keep the translocator infinite.

I don’t play much Sombra but I play a lot of Zen so I know about fighting against her plenty. The infinite stealth isn’t much more annoying than before. It’s definitely a buff but it really seems like it has allowed her to play the game at the same pace as everyone else which has made her impactful, not OP. The worst part about her kit is, in my own opinion, that EMP does so much damage to Zenyatta

Just some feed back.

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▲▲▲ This and don’t forget all the bugs she has that break Hack or make it twice or even triple as long.

I was pretty mad when I saw it the first time actually xD.

Well that’s just how hammond is designed I think its probably specially made so that Sombra can Hack him while he is in ball form before he can escape but that’s just a guess.

Uhh didn’t know that thanks :purple_heart:

Mhh would be an idea but I think the Movement speed and the Visuals are the most important direct buffs she needs.
For TL well yea it does not have much of an impact in both pro and ladder but I would prefer the undestroyable timed TL or they should at least make some kind of better Hud indicator if its placed or not I don’t remember how many times I tried to throw it but ended up Faaaar behind on the first payload checkpoint or something xD.

The problem with it is that it makes her really strong in Pro play but keeps her Trash on Ladder it make it 100 times harder to balance her more around both either she is OP in Pro or trash in ladder right now.

Well, that’s just how she works with Shields and the fact that Zenyatta has 150 shields. If your second healer doesn’t instantly heal’s you yes as Zen your pretty dead. I can understand that and I can understand that Lucio mains don’t like their aura gone when hacked but we need to keep Hack/EMP following rules if we make exceptions on some character’s then others (There mains) want too and someday we will have a mess and nobody knows what is effected by Hack and whats not. (That may is a bit overdramatic but we should keep Hack/EMP following rules)

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Yes, so now you don’t have to create one giant wall text to reply to everyone. Try it out.

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Lol my issue with EMP damaging Zenyatta is nothing more than a petty grievance. I actually really like that aspect. It makes me miss the shield generator tho.

Sombra’s biggest issue, coming from someone who nevee plays her, is the person playing her. If I had a dime for every Sombra on my team who wasn’t in voice chat I’d be able to afford to switch to PC.

I get it, people are toxic and hate seeing a Sombra. I played Doomfist way before any of his buffs. I so get it.

But what people don’t realize is that SR also measure your social skills. Being able to communicate and coordinate and just BE CIVIL will get you farther than aim or game sense.

I love having a good Sombra on the team. If they’re able to coordinate with us. Let me know when you’re hacking who. I’ll shoot them! But maybe I’m an anomaly. I’m used to playing Zen and discording opportune targets so I’m always looking to pile damage onto hacks, hooks, stuns, and any other CC.

TLDR: Buff the Mic

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Sorry is hard to judge today a lot of people want random changes to hack so it doesn’t affect there main anymore.

Well, either that or if someone of the team is not is voice chat She depends a lot on that.

Well overall I can only agree.

I could do that but that is a way to logical MAGIC WALL OF TEXT PROTECT MEEEEEE.
(I now I should but I’m bad and changing habits :stuck_out_tongue: probably will take me a while)

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The Serious way to fix sombra is remove hack and rework

Yeah, I was like that when I was trust level 2, but as soon as I was trust level 3… I finally broke that habit.

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So basically take away Sombra’s identity?

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You can’t just take the core of her kit and remove it that would make her a completely new Hero.
It would be like Removing Rein’s Shield, Pharah’s Jetpack, Lucio’s Song’s or even Widow’s gun.

(I’m doing it again right now (╯°Д°)╯︵/(.□ . )

This ^

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Turn her into a poor mans Tracer so its finally fun to play against her. Kappa


Poor Sombra, she can never catch a break lol.

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I just had two diamonds telling me ingame how easy Sombra is and as I tried to counter-argument they said I should shut up my plating talk makes them cringe.
(btw. they played Doom and Road and I won everytime 1v2 was pretty funny)

So I guess no she never gets a break xD.

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Just ignore them… People will always complain and hate on Sombra for no apparent reason lol.

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True but I just get a little pissed when People say random stuff that clearly is caused by there own annoyances and being uninformed.

Like how do people still not now how Hack works it seriosly makes me mad
(ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o)

OR saying what makes her Strong in Pro play right now is Hack like what how and why not before 1.26 but then continuing to buff her DMG.

I guess I will start drawing more again and play less :3
(Sorry I’m a little mad right now :P)

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Yeah, I try not to get so quick to anger when I encounter people who are not properly educated with the hero as such as Sombra.

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I don’t act angry against them and try to stay friendly but in reality i get mad I just don’t express it in that way.

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