Sombra's ability Nerfs are blatantly unjust (200+ likes!?!)

Sombra is meant to debuff strong targets about to ult while a fight is going on not just before a fight. “opportunist” is meant to help her pick off weak ones

If sombra cant hack in a middle of a fight while still being in it then her use and role in the game drops drastically, she has no damaging/defense/support abilities besides hack to contribute to a team fight except her ultimate which she doesnt get more then once a twice a match 3 if its a long fight

that the whole reason she got a buff in the first place since her channeling cast time was too long to be useful before and once they nerf emp healthpack charge she couldnt contribute


I know this post is from 3 days ago. I hope you are still posting here because I would love to see this GM Sombra play you speak of. I want to see videos of Sombra doing this. It should be easy to find since it’s the norm. I want to SEE videos of a Sombra failing to hack the same target multiple times in a row and STILL try to hack them. Do me this favor.

When is access to abilities most important?

In the middle of a fight.

Therefore, when is a “CC” skill most useful?

In the middle of a fight.

When is Hack least reliable?

In the middle of a fight.

Pretty much reveals how counter-intuitive Hack’s current design is. It needs a change.

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this thread needs more attention.

Sombra’s hot garbage now and needs buffs ffs


So a 2 second cooldown over an interrupted hack is “unjust” while continually hacking Lucio out of his ultimate during the animation is ok, and if that fails, an EMP edit>undo is peachy.

Which is why I said it needs a change. A 2 second cooldown is a pretty lazy fix. Why not increase the skill required to land a hack? Why not give it a resource meter so that it cannot be spammed?

Hack should be reliable just so it’s not counter-intuitive but not so easy to land so as to be balanced.

Made a thread here if you are interested in alternative ways to change her hack.

I have 180+ hours with her kit. I fully understand it. It’s lacking. A lot. :confused:

hours are irrelevant if you are unwilling to try new things.

Lmao you don’t think I’ve tried that in the 180 hours I’ve played her?

I frequently try new things because I know the ins and outs of her kit.

Believe me. I try to make her work and have gotten to the point where I can play her defensively and aggressively, different positioning, initiations, etc. 180 hours is not for nothing - if things didn’t work, I wouldn’t invest that much time.

She. Is. Lacking.


Except that it makes you faster, therefore it’s a mobility ability by definition.

isn’t that kind of ironic?

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I feel like due to how powerful hack can be, a cooldown when you fail to activate the ability is necessary. BUT, a certain amount of damage should trigger this, not literally the lowest amount possible.

Teams honestly need to be more aware of when Sombra is coming out of invisibility before they complain that she comes out of nowhere and hacks them. There is a sound queue + a plethora of stuns that prevent her from doing anything.


You used the word “literally” wrong. You don’t get to be condescending about it

EDIT: I dunno why this replied to you mamalama. I also don’t know how to change it.

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doesn’t matter, you quoted them so they would’ve got a reply notification too.

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exactly people act like they are helpless but most of their kits have escapes and ways to counter a hack in progress. If its on cooldown thats the same as sombra not having hack on cooldown. Your not helpless and there are ults she actually cant hack once they start such as tactical visor configuration tank and dragonblade to name a few. It’s not a complete shutdown and its NOT CC its a debuff look it up on the wiki.

Sometimes I feel like the only one who believes that we shouldn’t be focusing on hack to increase her reliability…

In the end, its another CC on to CC-watch, and in all honesty the damage tick cancel is whats keeping Sombra from destroying the fun for a considerable amount of heroes.

If I was to suggest things myself, it would be one of three things

Make the damage cancel effect very clear so the player knows the hack was damage interrupted, and can react accordingly.

Increase the range of the hack so that enemies require a little more precision in their target acquisition and targeting in the incredibly small amount of time given for a hack in progress.

Or, disable damage tick cancel, but increase hack time to allow more characters to react properly.

I think the way it is, is quite clunky and feels off for the Sombra player, but opens up counterplay to more characters than only those with instant escapes or shields. We can probably find some middle ground that works without one side feeling like they drew the short straw.

Personally I’d like to see adjustments to her cloaking and her translocator instead of just focusing on hack. If you put all your eggs in one basket, you’re going to have a bad time.

Maximum range
debuff hitscan
15 meters
Casting time
0.65 seconds
Abilities: 6 seconds
Health Bar/Ultimate Status reveal: 20 seconds
Health Pack: 60 seconds
Turrets: 10 seconds
8 seconds

its not CC

Semantics. An ability can be a CC and a debuff, they are not mutually exclusive.

Hack is a crowd control ability. So is Ana’s grenade debuff. It might not be a stun, or a freeze, but its a CC ability and a debuff.

Yup, it’s all pretty unbelievable OP.

Blizz then: “let’s make a cool hero that can hack everyone!”

Blizz now: “the defining trait of this hero is now unusable”

The atrocious balance and compleatly nonsensical decisions that they make, and continue to make is the reason the game has been uninstalled for months.

freeze is not a debuff its pure cc. Debuff effects enemies stats and abilites CC cause stuns, knockups, and movement penalties

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