Sombra update confirms release of Symmetra and LFG

With Sombra coming to the PTR in the next week or two, that also means Symmetra and the LFG system will becoming Live to make room for the next PTR cycle.

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Yes, that’s a good deduction. Elementary my dear Watson :male_detective:


Well… yeah. Tbh I really thought it was gonna launch today. I was checking Twitter all day.

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Nah, the PTR still has a ton of bugs on it.

Fixing support diversity in addition to buffing Sombra :pray:

Waiting for a PTR patch as big as the Junk/Orisa/Hog/Widow patch, but it’s probably going to mostly be for Horizon.

Excited for the release of Symm where she’s instapicked for two weeks.

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I am so happy.


Please Jeff give me some sweet sweet Mercy, Zenyatta, Hanzo and Widowmaker nerfs.


Honestly, even if that patch overbuffed Junk it added a whopping four heroes into the meta. It was actually one of the best patches I can think of.