Sombra Translocator Bug: Instantly Disappears, No Animation

There’s a bug with Sombra currently where, when activating the Teleport to go to get Translocator, no tracers or animation is shown, and she just instantly disappears.


This has been annoying me recently, Sombra is pretty powerful and not knowing where she is set up is huge.

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Yeah I’ve noticed that too, thought I was just seeing things.

Don’t thing Theres a bug with her. Maybe on different platforms but on Xbox she is perfectly fine and I been playing a lot of sombra with a high Winrate.

I am also on Xbox, but I have been seeing that glitch too. Recently, I was in a comp game on Horizon Lunar Colony, and each time she would translocate I wouldn’t get a indicator that she did… other than her disappearing. I didn’t see the lines that show which direction she was going in, or the noise it plays. I believe this is caused by turning invisible and translocating at the same time, because I don’t think two audio ques could play at once, causing none of them to play. I also think turning invisible and translocating at the same time can show two animations at once, so it choses none like the audio ques.

I’ve been seeing this on PC

This glitch continues. Please address.


Yeah still getting this from time to time an we’ve tested to see if invis/TL combined is causing it and that doesn’t seem to be it. The recent patch to adjust TL definitely broke the animation an sound que cause 90% of the time shes vanishing without it.

People thought I was crazy when I said this. I am a sombra main so I definitely know she has a directional streak behind her when she teleports that tells you where she’s at. It’s hard to track her down. I usually wait for her at the health pack and kill her but if I don’t know which one she’s at, i can’t just run around to look for her. Fortunately, the bug has been noticed but they haven’t fixed it yet. Such a simple bug that causes so many problems.

This is still costing me games once in awhile and happens really often can anyone confirm if they know of this bug?

I know of it. It’s on Xbox for sure.

The bug has been noticed? Is it posted on a known bugs list?

Okay, I tried to looked back to check for it and it’s not there. But I swear I saw it a few days after Sombra rework was released. It said something around “the glitch animation not showing when Sombra teleports”. Not sure if they deleted it or…

Still a bug, still not fixed.

I’ve captured it on video. It seems to happen if she translocates the exact moment she is hit by something.

Yea not sure if she a completely fine on Xbox. I’m a sombra main. She’s completely garbage with the bugs she has. Health pack bugs. Invisible glitch. Translocator bug. Etc

Hey everyone!
So I think I might know how this is happening.
Every time you come out of stealth the translocator goes on a 3 sec cool down and “disappears” from where you originally put it.
I’ve been watching my boyfriend play on my account (PS4) and noticed it happen every time he came out of stealth.