Sombra thread gets a reply in 2 months. Bastion hasn't even been mentioned in over 16 months (since his gutting a week after his rework)

Can it be a joke, if it’s just true information? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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How about pitching some sentry/recon specific abilities.
Recon is tough to buff without stepping on soldier’s design space. But in sentry, what if ironclad could be toggled, and you could use your gun to project you in any direction.

Honestly, When the teleporter change got announced, I was hoping it’d be a straight up portal gun, and bastion could do the thing in sentry when in portal you shoot both at the ground and he’s bouncing between them in sentry form?

My ideas are mostly dumb, but you catch my drift

Imagine his old spread as 100, it was then increased by 50% putting it at 150(50% of 100=50). If we decreased it by 33% it would return to its former 100(33% of 150=50).
Holefully this helps.

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Oh yeah, no, most if not all of us totally agree. It was too much. We wanted a little bit more survivability, so they gutted his damage and made him unkillable… And now any mention of a Bastion buff just brings back “There’s no way to balance him, just look at his other rework”…

And now, the only way to Balance him Might Be to bring back the already F-Tier Old Bastion, Which is now for some reason regarded as OP, Yet no one originally thought that.

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I don’t know if the reticle thing was implemented before Bastion’s rework, if it was, I never got around to actually looking at his bloom… Was it kinda like Tracer/Sombra’s where it would go to max almost instantly, or was it more like Soldier’s where it would gradually increase? If it was like Soldier’s, then 1.5 degrees would probably be fine because there’s no point in which he’s pinpoint accurate, because it’s still always at max. If it was like Tracer’s, then yeah, maybe 2 degrees would be better to match what he had before more closely…

Sentrymode’s maximum spread after bloom was 2 degrees.

Yeah, but how long did it take to get to maximum? Was it gradual, or was it at 2 degrees a couple bullets in?

I think it was a couple bullets in. I don’t remember because it’s been so long though.

  • Hanzo: Simply move to a different area that forces him to be closer.
  • Tracer: Recon mode has a much sharper accuracy, plus her ult can’t 1- shot him now.
  • Genji: Stop firing when he deflect, after that go Recon to use the better accuracy.
  • Symmetra: Haven’t faced the new one yet, but old one usually tries to circle around bastion.
  • Roadhog: If you’re far enough away, you’re safe.
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im just wondering, is it anything wrong with bastion being niche?

i don’t mind him getting buffed but i dont want to play againts a bastion every single game either

its something about him just killing everyone while sitting behind a shield that makes me not want to deal with it every game

If he uses storm arrow and you get up, you’re gonna die…

No, but it will leave you on 5 health in Recon, and about 75 in Sentry…

Then you lose the damage resist and high damage…?

She’s not bad to fight as Bastion, but he’s saying she does his job WAY better than he ever could. Same with Hanzo and Junkrat.

You have to be very far away… Like, basically out of combat far away. And if you’re that far away, you’re just tickling the enemy with Bastion’s spread…


He can always close the gap, with take a breather.

Literally no matter what.

I’m laughing at this. :smile_cat:
There is no “Safer Area” When he literally can climb or jump anything, And chase you no matter what.
Not to mention corner peeking, which is un-counter-able.

And a much larger head hitbox.
Any good Tracer knows how to Burn a Recon Bastion in seconds.
You should almost Never Try this.

Yea, but that does nothing against his Shotgun, And super agility.

New Sym literally hard counters Bastion, AND Does his own job, better than he could ever hope to.

Old Sym, Burns Bastion pretty quickly, and denies setting up Rather well.
At least she’s not stronger the closer she gets to you… But she’s still a pain to deal with at times.


It’s the fact that his “niche” is barrier busting, but Hanzo, Junkrat, (new) Symmetra, and Pharah (though not as much as the others) do this job much better all while staying much safer

Yeah, I wouldn’t want him to be in every game… Well, unless they changed him pretty significantly, and he’s not completely focused around Sentry mode anymore (<cough> Tank on E </cough>)… We’re not really asking for him to be meta, we’re just wanting him to be viable. Like what they did with Junkrat and Hanzo and Symmetra (I’m guessing she’s gonna be a good bit more viable than she was before, I’ve played her rework a little, but not too much).


I don’t play bastion but whenever someone makes one of these “it’s so easy, just do (x)” posts, they’re usually wrong


so you just like bastion’s character rather than his playstyle

bastion is made around his sentry mode or else he would just be a tanky 76

The playstyle has Changed MASSIVELY.

Used to, you could actually hold your ground, You were supposed to be an Area denial hero, But now the only thing Non-Bastion players tell you to do, is RUN From damage, as if you are a Genji or something.

No, I really like his playstyle (and his character). I like the idea of being stationary but having a lot of damage. But if that were all he did in every game, it would get pretty dull and kinda annoying to play against… With Tank on E, you can rocket jump pretty much anywhere you want whenever you want, which makes for some really sneaky plays, and much more skill-based and fun gameplay. Sentry should definitely be his main focus, that shouldn’t go to Recon or Tank, but having Tank always available makes it much more interesting.

Just to clarify, it wouldn’t be a 205 damage Tank, it’s a pretty heavily nerfed version…

I mean i proposed it earlier, but how do bastion players feel about bastion being able to propel himself while shooting in sentry mode?

His niche is so tiny, yes.