Sombra teleports under the payload on Rialto, Blizzard World and King`s Row

In a SoloQ Competitive Match of Overwatch my Team and i came across a weird situation. The Payload seemed to move all by itself with no enemy around but after a bit looking around at the payload we saw the feet of the enemy Sombra under the Payload. She was stuck inside the Payload and was able to move it, because she doesn`t need to be invisable to do this.

After the Match i met up with 2 Friends to test this bug on Rialto for some Video Footage and we tested the other Maps as well. In the end this bug also worked on King`s Row, kinda on Dorado and Blizzard World.
I uploaded the Footage of our tests on YT. We speak german on this Video but i think what you see is more important than what you hear from us.
Video Footage i recorded

I’m happy to see that this bug finaly gets some awairness.
If this happens again to you here is a small tip:
You can pull Sombra out of the payload with Orisa’s mini-grav (or Zarya’s Normal grav)
Sombra is full of Bugs and Exploits even more broken then this I have a post about all I found since “New Sombra” 1.26 you find it here: