Sombra pick rate: 2.08% to 0.77% (400+ likes, 11k+ views ❤)

But Sombra was made to counter Rein back in 2016

Disabling a reins ability to use shield doesn’t make her a tank buster.
She can still do that but you can’t play her as just an edgy hacker tracer.

I said it but I just wanted to clarify that I didn’t want to hear about 50% usage nonsense back when people are just trying to use her…

I’m legit curious about what her actual pickrates were that she is dropping from…because people on here like to point out when someone drops 1% as if that means anything…

“Dude she’s being picked 1 out of 100 games instead of 4!!!”

OH NO!!! She’s so UP now!!!”

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Plus, its the same as widowmaker in a way

Widow has a low pickrate bc she is up? Heck no

Somhra just is very hard to play and to understand how to use her kit

Plus, Sombrero is kinda team dependant, your ult is usless if your team does not rush in after you use it

… I remember Bastion, this is only the 3rd horrible rework.

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You know what’s weird though? Pros have openly admitted that Tracer is OP at their level. So how does it make any sense that they want to keep her uncountered?

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I just went to overbuff and checked sombras pick rate in GM for the last month and it’s 2.21%. :ok_hand::joy:


Just stop it. The forums were flooded with Sombra complaints from every single corner of the game world. It is disingenuous to try and portray it as though OWL players are the only ones that wanted change.


Because the teams recruit tracer only players and they would have to take the boot if tracer had a counter.
It’s like a conspiracy theory but more MLG.


People may not agree with me, but if i was a game developer i would take more serioes feedback about people who are high ranks in my game.
They are the people who know what heroes are good and bad better than most of people.
Tracer favoritism is disgusting, and as said by you: 2.08% to 0.77%, that’s a real problem. Having pros not wanting to play with Sombra and her pick rate drops that much should be a sign that something is wrong.

Again, this is Tracer favoritism, not a problem with the pros.

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The trend is still one of decline.


The only reason sombra has a low pick rate - she has a high skill ceiling.
Go to overbuff look at heroes - comp - this month - then compare sombra pick rates between individual ranks.
You can see she’s doing pretty well in GM and masters but falls off greatly every time you go lower.
She’s not an easy hero to use unlike tracer so she’s not used as much that’s not a balance issue.


It is, but the rate is slowing down. It might reverse and go up a bit. Also addition of Briggite, buffs to Reaper, DF and Mei may change this as all these heroes can be shut down by Hack.

Actually Tracer has the very similar trend in winrates as Sombra. Pretty awful at low and medium ranks, only somewhat useful at Diamond+.

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winrates - yes.
pick rates - no.
This whole thread is about game balance based on pick rates. :joy:

A lot of teams actively ensure someone can play Sombra. She’s been a mustpick at their level on certain maps in the past. They’re pros, they’ll learn nonmeta things without people telling them to simply because it adds to job security.

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Well, she does badly at GM, and worse below. If you go through the trends day by day for the past month or 3 months, you’ll see her win rates haven’t at all really improved on last season and that the decline from her post-buff peak actually began before the nerfs were announced.

You can’t call sombra “nonmeta” when on certain maps she is the meta.
People need to learn meta is map dependant.

It’s been 1 week and 2 days since the nerf, you want weekly, not monthly (which by the by is at 1.33%, barely above Doomfist)


For the past month in GM she has the 7th highest winrate.

2nd highest win rate for the past week in gm.