Sombra payload exploit

So, Sombra translocation exploit is now being used in the competitive matches. Why is this not fixed yet?

And Blizzard better hit all these pos cheaters hard - ban them for the entire season.

What is this exploit? I have not heard of it and it would be something to note.

I think he means that sombra can get inside the payload

Oh kinda like how Tracer used to time her recall to get inside the payload?

I haven’t seen this but yeah, if so. It needs to be fixed.

Don’t worry, next months major patch will fix it. Hot fixes and quick fixes are for suckers.

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Yes, it’s the stuck inside the payload exploit. Report any pos idiot using this so that they get banned.

I didn’t even know that was a thing.

Well at least its now starting to get known hope it will get fixed soon.

Here is another exploit that kinda is funny but extreamly OP:

I mean would this really matter? In most cases you’d just be stuck in endless OT I suppose. Could two sombra’s from opposing teams both be stuck in it?

I made a thread about this in the bug forum awhile back. It’s really bad when she can contest it endlessly because for some reason, it’s difficult to actually kill her under there.

Last month. Reminds me of when she could hide inside of the payload in Junkertown.

You can pull her out with Orisa or Zarya (Mini and Normal grav)

And the two Sombras Could should at eitch other and would be hard to get 2 Sombras into the payload if its not intendet

Maybe they could look at Sombra’s other bugs while they’re at it.


They would have a lot of work xD:

I mean would this really matter?

Yes. You can’t move the payload while on offense.