Sombra needs attention. Like, right now

Look, i’m happy that a whole bunch of heroes have been updated, fixed, and have been given some much needed love, but theres one hero that has yet to get any word: Sombra

Right now, she is in the most pitiful state, possibly even worse than her initial release at this point. She has the lowest damage of any DPS (No burst potential), has the most clunkiest kit that punishes her (Which is absurdly dumb), and the lowest pickrate and winrate among heroes in the entire GAME.

And its pathetic that people give the excuse “Shes a stealth hero, just go behind them and hack em LOOLO 4Head”. Its almost as bad as the clicking on the head excuse.

What people dont realize is that her hack needs to be in a moderately close range to get off, same for her damage, so she constantly has to put herself at close range to be effective, but shes so damn squishy. Yea, sure you can teleport out of a fight, but due to how close she has to be to do damage, she can get CC’ed enough to get piled on and die.

Not only that, but her new LOS change feels utterly ridiculous. Trying to hack a Pharah or Tracer now is nearly impossible. It feels oppressive to get shot at and get locked out of the bread and butter of her kit.

This isn’t even counting the mountain of bugs she has right now. Sombra, as whole, is in a horrible place right now.


Don’t forget her bugs A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #34 by Xaron-1831


dont forget the new bug in ptr that translocator doesnt cancel when thrown in a hole or off map by accident…meaning either death or full 24 second wait.


That’s in the bug list :smiley:

Can’t tell you how many times this has gotten me on Gibralter. And I swear to GOD I threw that translocator not off-map, but it has managed to teleport itself off map e_e LOL