Sombra is in a bad spot again and this was avoidable

People are often pretty stupid though, they complain about hack but i would argue hack is no more annoying than most abilities in the game. And a buff doesnt have to come to hack, it could come to emp or invis. If it comes to emp it wont be as frustrating because its an ultimate and supposed to be powerful, plus its hard to pull off anyways. If it comes to invis then it wont be annoying since invis is a very fragile ability that has limited, even if very good limited, usage. The 2 sec cd removal probs wont affect people negatively since they wont be seeing much sombra anyways. So i think its an exaggeration of how annoying hack is. Hack was only truly annoying for the 1 week when it was broken, i didnt see anyone complain before that.

I am don’t think you can balance an ability such as Hack in a game like overwatch, its way too powerful tbh.

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It evidently isnt. 20 chars

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I never understood why she needs long delays coming out of invisibility or being loud about it. I guess they didn’t want to overpower her being invisible? But there is no delays when Tracer or Genji run up to flank.

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I agree with you. However, I don’t think the devs will. As we sit here, they ‘buffed’ her a few times and are afraid of making hack ‘too oppressive’. Sombra is basically unviable now. She has been close to unviability for a long time. If the devs have not placed her in their rework bucket, they will soon.

If we don’t see a Sombra buffet within the next month, it will be a glaring pointer that she is the rework bucket.

Completly shutting down someones ability to do something for like 6 seconds is really huge in that game despite of hack being on a 8 sec cd.

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But you clealry can though. Even when Sombra was BROKEN, her pickrate never eached above 5-7%, there were characters much better than her such as dva or mercy or tracer. If we are going to say that hack is too powerful, then lets remove matrix, blink, rez, deflect and so on as well. Hack is far harder to follow up on than many other abilities and also often harder to even land it.

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Tell that to the community. I agree, the community does not.

It only shuts down abilities. You are still free to move and shoot.
Its basically like playing your hero while your abilities are on cooldown.

Is your hero useless when your abilities are on cooldown and you stop playing? No you dont.
She just opens opportunities for your team to engage with an advantage, but this advantage doesnt always result in a win. In fact Sombras winrate is relative low.

That is what the community thinks though. It makes me sad and there is no logic behind it, but here we are.

Except it doesn’t, which is the point people are trying to make.

It doesn’t “completely shut down someone’s ability to do something” because that someone can still move and shoot.

It doesn’t stun.
It doesn’t freeze.
It doesn’t snare.
It doesn’t kill.


Yes because she was “broken” for like 1-2 weeks? they released her nerf really fast.
And that’s how i see it in the future though either they have to rework sombra so she isn’t as dependant of hack like now or she has to be weak at all other aspects she has and remains a worse pick than other dps. (not that i want her to be like that but its just the truth)

Then the community is wrong.

SOMBRA didnt just DIE she was MURDERED !!!


And as Deykar said, Sombra trades damage for hack, which is very serious considering she takes a dps slot. She is very vulnerable without tp and thus is required to jump in and out of fights. Im sure you understand where im going with this, but there are many variable to consider about sombra that dont allow us to just say that x part of her kit is op.

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This is why I hate the community so much , because they want every things things fun to play against they ruined Doomfist old hog (before his healing buff) and gave us the worse rework of all time (Mercy 2.0)

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She was murdered by the toxic community


At least with Doom and Hog you could have argued that their abiities resulted in insta death. Which is not the case with hack.

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We both are in full agreement.

But brigitte within one week was already 10% pickrate and almost 60% winrate. Sombra’s rework winrate literally went up to normal levels, around 52% instead of 47% or whatever it is. If something is truly broken, people will pick it up quick. Mercy was like 12% within first week of rework too i believe. And again, the nerf was released quickly because it was broken due to the LoS thing. When it could hack through barriers and walls.