Sombra is in a bad spot again and this was avoidable

Literally not possible friend.

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oh, we’re back to this nonsense again

See you found your way to me once again. :wink:

So you are saying a couple of months ago Genji/Tracer pros were scared of losing their spots, but now they are ok with it?

No, I am saying that back when Sombra was useful, which she still is, the pros cried saying that Sombra 2.0 was absurd.

Which I agree, all they had to do was do a minor fix to LoS

Sombra indeed challenge and kept Genji and Tracer in line, and the pro didn’t like that, because it would mean a changed in his or her gameplay.

As for the OWL to move on to the next stage, we just have to wait and see what is being done with the three. Brigitte, Tracer and Genji.

Genji and Tracer are still strong picks, however, it’s going be more so difficult due to all the CC and moving to triple support triple tank meta.

I even made a thread of ways we can help Sombra.


Bumping this for visibility because what happened to her makes me SICK. We had to deal with the Bastionpocalypse forever. Junkrat is still disgustingly overpowered. Brigitte is still disgustingly overpowered and ALSO screws Sombra over because spread reduction? Doesn’t mean much when there’s armor everywhere and Brigitte doesn’t have to reload - I can’t TELL you how many Brigitte’s single me out even when I’m NOWHERE near them or have no intention of going after them. Maybe she’s doing her job? But I don’t have to like her either.

I’m tired of my hack breaking for no reason, I think this 2sec cooldown needs to go away, and remember when we could hack Tracer reliably? YEAH. I loved that. Now all she has to do is blink away and OOPS. Not that I’m crying for a Tracer nerf, but I want my main reverted to her pre-buff status or just FIXED because I still can’t believe she got panic nerfed in a week. Without any PTR time. It’s ridiculously unfair.


I blame OWL. They must of wanted to push the nerfs out fast so the pros can play with the changes they want on stage 3. A major change like LOS break needed mandatory PTR testing because of how buggy it could be.


And here we are. Any little thing breaks LoS when she DID need some kind of grace period to deal with Tracer or the Shimadas or Lucio. Pharah too. Anyone mobile because sometimes even Doomfist or a D.Va flying upwards can be an issue when it wasn’t previously. And people can argue her being unfun to play against, but like…can’t you say the same about Torbjorn’s turret if your team is too chicken to deal with it? How about a Widowmaker or Hanzo who can actually make their shots? Mei freezing everyone? Hell, ANY character can be unfun to play against in the right hands, so the unfun argument is bull.


I wish I remember what thread it was, but basically the title of it summed up my thoughts on Sombra.

The gist was “If being unfun to play against is just cause, why isn’t being unfun to play as also equally just?”


THIS. Exactly this. I don’t expect to win every single match here, but I would like to end every match on a positive note. Then again, I’m still averaging 30-40 elims and 45-60 hacks per comp match and we still lose…silver is hell, people hate Sombra and working with her…water is wet, lol.

Isn’t like Sombra was designed to be as weak as possible on her release? It’s most of her kit had multiple restrictions built in to neuter her.

Gun: Low damage, short fall off range, and big spread.
Stealth: Delays for entering and exiting, loud call outs, cancelled by 1 damage.
Hack: Long cast time, restrictions on what can be hacked, cancelled by 1 damage.


This was honestly why I was against a buff in the first place. If you over-buff something, whether you actually do that, or the community perceives it that way, you will get a nerf to compensate. There is a great chance that the nerf sacrifices the identity of the character and makes them less fun to play. Blizzard had a tendency to do it as well. And, well, what do you know?

Sombra was low-key one of the best characters in the game. People, and apparently her own mains, just did not know how to tap into it although the professionals were getting close before the change. She needed bug fixes and quality of life changes, not buffs.

Now we are in such a state that she needs a few nerfs to compensate for a real buff. It is just a mess and why Blizzard should just balance their game to the best of their ability without listening to biased people (both her mains and the professionals themselves).

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I’m all for buffing Sombra, but I’d prefer we keep the 2 second cd.

Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more obnoxious and frustrating than getting hacked repeatedly. Hack being interrupted by damage was pretty pointless when Sombra could attempt a hack .5 seconds later.

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Umm not really, considering that sombra dies fairly easily if she doesnt tp, so id you see her hacking you and you stop it,chances are you and your team will kill her or scare her off, so i dont know wht you mean by pointless.

Also im really glad so many people are agreeing with me, its nice to have some support on an issue i thought i was the only one to actually care about.

I bet you Sombra will be getting a complete rework in 8 months time.

I certainly hope not. She definitely doesn’t need one, but if Blizzard cant be bothered to buff her properly, i can unfortunately see them saying f*ck it lets rework her.

the only thing i want for sombra and is the reason i don’t play her, is the delay exiting stleath.
in a game where even half a second matters when you are waiting for a moment to go out of stealth that delay can cost you life or death, if you remove the delay she will be more like an assassin.

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If they just had a test server where you could test changes before hitting live servers. :thinking:


She doesnt need it. Her base design is fine, they just need to get rid of home made issues they implemented like bugs and unnecessary inbuild clunk.