Sombra is completely unreliable

But she can be outplayed and beaten.

Which isn’t an argument, since you can use it for every hero in every situation. The fact is that even when you hack someone and it becomes a 1v1 primary only fight, the enemy always has a bigger gun.

Track her neck and go clickity click click after you land a hack on her. Even while unhacked you can deal enough damage to make her recall. If you’re low translocate back to your team. If not then finish her off.

When you say this, it makes me think about how Fitzy plays Sombra and how he correctly predicts what steps the enemy team will take.

  1. Hack sometimes fails for no readily apparent reason.

  1. Hack sometimes takes longer than the advertised 0.65s to complete.

  1. Hack sometimes switches targets mid-hack.

  1. Hack sometimes completes despite losing connection to the target.

  1. Hack sometimes works in situations that it shouldn’t.

  1. Hack sometimes breaks in situations that might be working as intended but nonetheless feel frustrating to the Sombra.

Sadly the devs aren’t going to acknowledge this.
#BuffSombra #JusticeForOliviaColomar

I’m sure this isn’t a response you’ll see a lot, but honestly, I think her reliance on translocator is simply too big, and it’s a big part of what’s ruining the character.

Basically, Translocator is so amazingly powerful because Sombra is weak, and she needs it.

Sombra is weak and needs a powerful translocator…because translocator is so powerful.

See the problem?

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I’ve seen quite a few people say this now but I think there’s a misconception here. The total time to hack (pre buff) was 0.8 seconds. It was NOT 0.7 seconds.

The 0.1 second leniency is just for LoS checks. It means that as long as the target doesn’t break LoS for more than 0.1 seconds, Hack will not break.

For example, you are 0.4 seconds into your Hack and the target walks behind a lamp post and breaks line of sight for 0.1 seconds, your hack doesn’t get interrupted and continues for the next 0.3 seconds to complete the hack. (0.4s before lamp + 0.1 behind lamp + 0.3 outside of lamp = 0.8 seconds).

However, if the target stands behind the lamp post for 0.11 seconds, the hack stops. Your hack will continue until the 0.5 second mark then breaks at 0.51 seconds.

WITHOUT the 0.1 second leniency, Hack now breaks as soon as something blocks the LoS. Unfortunately, the LoS checks are extremely buggy, causing Hack to break even in the open now.

At least, that’s how I think it works.

go watch the gladiators vs shock match where they ran dive with sombra and tell me that again. sombra is great

Aside from being on a very old patch, you’re confusing an anecdote with data.

I made some suggestions of how to fix her here.

no thanks, I don’t think sombra needs buffs, shes fine. youre entitled to your opinion, but you aren’t going to change mine.

So what about supporting data that proves she isn’t fine?

Or are you okay without that, also?

data means nothing if you don’t have the full picture. sombra isn’t favored by the meta is all. By your logic rien needs a nerf because he is the most picked hero in the game right now. You really gonna say rien needs a nerf?

Full picture? Okay, so what was the excuse before the current meta, then, when she was still f-tier?

And no, I’m not one of those pickrates = OP or UP people. I understand the difference.

flankers aren’t good with brig around.

again I ask you to go watch the gladiators shock matchup on numbani to see how strong sombra really is in dive.

For some reason you brought up Brig again, so again I ask: What was the excuse for Sombra being in such an awful state before that?

if you would have watched the match like I asked you too, you would see that’s not true. she was best in second dps slot for dive on most maps. it just didn’t last because of brig.

I am a lot better than you think or believe.

Rating is a by product of people like yourself, who just whine, don’t try, or even troll only because I pick her. When most of the time I end up being the best player on the team.

I am a sombra main that goes through the same crap. And if you were so amazing your performance would pull you up. Sombra needs work and you come at it with a get good comment when you are sitting well below the average even for us sombra players. Maybe people wouldn’t think your pick is a troll pick if they actually fixed her