Sombra is being revived šŸŒŸ So We Thought

Looks like she hit her peak at 0.77%.


Oh letā€™s wait to see if it goes any lower than that!

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So true I feel like old Sombra but in space on horizon lunar colony just that I fall faster xD

Just look at her gm win rate it changes almost daily (30.77% next day 64.71% etc) its as inconsistent as Sombra herself

It probably will crash in the floor the next few weeks xD

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Itā€™s a very small sample size, probably barely triple digits of matches.


That is what I predict honestly.

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Yea a lot of people do I think

btw I just found a few new bugs and added them to my other Post/list: Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #6 by SchWiniX-2357 I canā€™t right there anymore becaue im the last one that wroth there If anyone wants to see even more 1.26 Sombra bugs well here you go xD


Thank you for this!

How are all of you Sombraā€™s doing out there? Getting used to the patch? Having fun? :thinking:


Find her slow and frustrating. Can be Sneaking around, assassinating, setting up nice plays, but at the end of the day, when youā€™ve done that 3 minutes and gotten nowhere so switched to Widow or Pharah and just wrecked faces and pressed the payload home from there because youā€™re actually fully engaged 6v6 all the time every time; itā€™s just deflating how obvious her shortcomings are.

Game just doesnā€™t need a hero who canā€™t be in the fight.

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As useless as before.
Winning as her is a coin flip between my team being willing to work with me or not.


She is more boring now even in comp.
So im just recoding my games collecting bugs etc.
That keeps me entertaint


I am getting used to it now, I just play her as an assassin, without the assassination part.Who would have thought, but I am playing her the exact same as beforeā€¦ Except I am playing her a little less aggressive.


YES!!! This comment just won the internet for today!

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Wut? XD
20 charrrrrr


You sir have proven yourself correct


I wish I wasnā€™t but after almost 2 years of the balance team doing this canā€™t really say I expected anything less.


To be honest, Iā€™m not sure. Between the highlights and fun moments of playing her, thereā€™s really long periods where nothing really happens.


Exactly. You do something super sneaky and it feels amazingā€¦
Then you remember that you spent most of the match doing nothing. :confused:

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I thought that comment was gold as now this is the best way to capture and collect bugs since you can go invisible forever. Itā€™s like you are in Spectator mode!