Sombra is being revived šŸŒŸ So We Thought

Save sombra!! Theyā€™re out to get her!!

on topic, blizz should revert her to before the hack change i think.


You know Blizzard doesnā€™t do this. We should work with what we have.

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Raising the base speed would help.

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Itā€™s crazyā€¦ I hope they reconsider with her speed nerf.

Raising her speed will help A LOT.

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Hey but atleast we got a feedback to her bugs right? Well here are some new ones from 1.26 :smiley:
Post: Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's]

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3 days of data and absolutely nothing changed so far except making her even more of a chore to play.
Itā€™s like the community was right all along who wouldā€™ve thought.

Certainly not Geoff constantly telling us weā€™re wrong and heā€™s right.


3 days are not that much overall her Pick-rate even inceast a little (for now) It will probably fall soon as many Sombra mains predict. But I dont think we will see any changes for a month at least maybe even longer

BTW. That pickrate increas is mainly bronze rank it even droped on GM


She is absolutely a troll pick now, more than ever. Does nothing for 90% of the match, shows up with an EMP (if they have any sense, not if theyā€™re actually bad), but invariably too late.

Never lost to one, never won with one on my side. I did win a couple as her, but Iā€™d already established it was a stomp.

Needs some kind of ā€œBeen here all along.ā€ ā€œDoing what?ā€ meme interaction.


That reminds me of what they sad in one of the developers comments I donā€™t remember it that good but it was something like:
ā€œMaking her stronger overall but weaker in some areaā€

Well they buffed her Spawnkilling/trapping ability
and the ability to troll the Enemies

but they made her weaker in:

  • Uptime
  • Teamfight
  • assassination
  • consistency
  • etcā€¦
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Considering the diminutive size of the changes itā€™s a start, and it shows sheā€™s just as variable as always.
Winning with sombra falls down to having a team that will actually go out of their way to work with you or not.
Coupled with her game losing bugs that you WILL experience every single match, people reporting you/getting banned for playing her, people harassing you for playing her, doing pretty much nothing until emp just to get a lost anyways because your hero is garbage.

Geoff has absolubtely NO clue what heā€™s doing, first they say they want to tone down emp but make her completely reliant on it anyways.
Then that theyā€™re careful with her because she can become extremely frustrating.
They proceed to buff her being frustrating, now for BOTH teams because it basically forces her to let her team 5v6 while she spawn camps to be effective.

And now Geoff comes in and says heā€™s surprised that people reacted badly on these changes and that, basically, weā€™re wrong and heā€™s right.
Every single change, it baffles me more and more how he has kept his job this long, heā€™s not doing even close to a decent job at it.


If they want to make her viable with this kit, with this playstyle, but without reverting to Health Pack charge, they need to buff her ult generation by something serious like 30%.


I will most definitely check this thread out, thank you for this information and link to that wonderful thread.

He even acknowledged that nothing changed with these changes in the article that I have linked above in this threadā€¦ makes me wonder then, what was the whole point of buffing her if nothing changed?

Yes, I am one of those Sombra Main that predict that her pickrate and winrate will be lower than beforeā€¦ she suffers more so than before with downtime.


A lot of us called itā€¦ she just near useless now, as she does not have a specific role to fill, that other heroes with the appropriate damage output can do. People saying that you have to use her as scout, but she already did that before they gave her a bunch of net nerfsā€¦ All her strengths was weaken and on top of all that, she got even more downtime and the devs gave her even more weakness. It is beyond me that people actually she this as a buff.

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Like I told Jessicka, they made a lot of her strong aspect a lot weaker, while giving her even more weakness. This is not a buff, nor was a change that Sombra needed. If anything she needed to be buffed and that is it. She donā€™t need to be nerfed every time she gets buff.

I just find it crazy that the devs really did this to an already low-pick, one of the lowest pickrate and winrate hero who was already seen as a troll pick, but itā€™s more so. They didnā€™t fix the problem, but they sure did add onto the problem as she suffers so much with downtime.

They reduced her mobility for some odd reason, I am fine with the ability to not contest, but seriously they reduced her mobility?..

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Exactly thisā€¦ He does not know what he is doing when it comes to Sombra, and it really shows.

At the end of the day though, she had literally her whole kit toned downā€¦

EMP toned down (nerfed)
stealth toned down (nerfed)
hack toned down (nerfed)
Translocator toned down (nerfed)

Literally everything was toned down, but yet he wanted to buff her utility, while nerfing her from being an EMP BOT.


Not only that but she is even more annoying for healer mains additional to being weaker.
I played two ranks since the changes got live both had a Zen that I easily took out shortly after the round started. After that, I just swapped between hacking some key enemy to helping my team at least a little bit and Spawncamping Zen (because its the one thing she is better now than before) and BOTH Zen players got so annoyed (because Sombra can take him out without a problem and I play on EU so Iā€™m the only one who actually uses Voicechat xD) that they LEFT the game I mean WTH that just ruined a game for 2 players because Iā€™m doing that what the character is best for. That canā€™t be right, right? xD

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I mean even before the changes, she was good at spawn killingā€¦ I guess that is what she is known for now.


Sure but these changes just buffed Spawnkilling to a whole new level (Sadly only Spawnkilling -w-) And nerf the rest of her kit even fitzy kinda says Spawnkilling is what you should do now to be of use as Sombra:

But that accualy hurts other players experience and I dont think a Character in a game that hurts player experience should be in the game. With her old kit Spawntrapping was not as efficent well at least you not only Spawntrapped and I never had a rage quiter when I spawntrapped because I only could do it a once before I needed to backup. Right now I just wait invis and with translocator somewhere far away till he is in a good place out of spawn to kill him. I never need to worry anything. Translocator will not run out, Noone will shoot me because im invis and I can attack at the perfect moment.

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Her speed is what killed her even more. In a game like OW, itā€™s very fast paced and every second could be a turning point. Now sheā€™s so slow that itā€™s hard to accomplish that.

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