Sombra is actually pretty good

I didn’t like the changes when I first heard what they were doing to her. But after playing with the new Sombra for a while, she feels AMAZING.

  • Infinite Stealth/Translocator means I can take my time getting around and position myself properly.
  • Spawn camping is 10x easier now!
  • I can take less dangerous routes on attack now because of infinite stealth - I just have to be careful when weaving through enemies.
  • The only major drawback is not being able to contest.
  • There have also been some bug fixes to hack. Hacking is a lot more consistent but I still find hack targets changing mid-hack.

I agree. I have fun camping Mercys (or any other healers) with her. Shes really good at it now. Im not a sombra main though, i understand if mains see it differently.

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Sure, it isn’t bad at all, but the problem is that the changes doesn’t address her issues… :confused:

The problem is anything the new Sombra players can do now is the same thing the Sombra mains have been doing this whole time, which means we’re left with none of the bonuses and all of the drawbacks.


And with this “buff” hanging over our heads, the odds of those issues being addressed is pretty much nil.

When did the fix anything related to hack? I didn’t see anything in the patch notes.

Right here!


Consistency is always a buff in my book.
Yeah, you could jump behind the enemy, and you could get a kill on the healer.
But it was not consistent at all.


Thanks! Its at least comforting to know they acknowledged them. Still getting the camera bug but one step at a time.

Have they said anything about the new FPS drop during hack mainly affecting console users?

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Imo I get why you think she must be so fun but in reality nothing has really changed.

To everyone who says that they are having so much fun with this new sombra in a weeks time you guys wont even be playing her cos you too will realise that even with infinite stealth and trans you cant do anything that tracer and genji cant do better.

Im so sick of the useless changes blizzard makes, I really hope the balace team gets reworked themselves

Gotcha, so a nerf is fine as long as you can consistently be terrrible.

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People are calling her op now.

She consistently gets the kills she should have gotten before.

If you take two seconds longer to get into position, that is better than feeding.

Yeah but when I said it on ptr, all the “real” sombra mains said I don’t play her so have no opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that I’m aware of :frowning:

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Dang. Guess I just gotta hope they watch the bug report forum close enough, at least 5 topics on it but they are getting buried sadly.

Still any bug fixes are good news!

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What do sombra players want exactly? The only problem of sombra right now is her damage output a little below other flankers which is clearly offset by her abillity to mute opponents for 6 seconds.

I only speak for myself, but BUG FIXES.

No nerfs, no buffs, just make her at least reliable before they go tweaking numbers on her skills.

I have not seen one single person call her that. No one is calling her that. These changes did not magically make her stronger in some way. They did not actually change her core kit. She is exactly the same as before, except those of us that never had a problem with her timers and cooldowns before are left with slower speed and a destroyable beacon.

Once people get over the shiny new changes, they will realize Sombra is just as bad as before, and arguably worse for the people that play her regularly.

OP = Overly Passive

(20 chars)

Then here i am

She is op now.

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