Sombra health pack

Why did they take away the ability to see hacked health packs though walls? I feel like it was really helpful.

Is THAT why I can never seem to get my teammates to use the kits I hack instead of making our poor healers lose their minds? I legitimately thought they could see the kits but wouldn’t use them for…inscrutable reasons.


They didnt?


They didn’t. I just played a game with a Sombra and you could tell when packs were hacked.


If the healthpack is on cooldown you can’t see it through walls.


You still have a lot to learn about Sombra. lol. You can still see health packs through walls unless it on taken or the hack expired.

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Thats weird because it never shows for me. Usually you (as sombra) and your teammates could see hacked health packs through walls. My friend said it wasnt showing for him either. :woman_shrugging:

Then it might be a good idea to change your team/friendly color. Her purple can be pretty faint depending on location and harder to see, so try a different color.

I miss nothing now that mine is set to neon blue instead of the default

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Tbh I see hacked healthpacks thorugh walls when I play as sombra. But I barely see them when I’m not playing sombra. This might be a visual bug or maybe it’s just me not seeing things.

I see them. Maybe it’s your settings?

If you’re playing on console, there’s a bug that if you have a colorblind mode on, hacked health packs don’t show up through walls.


There is no setting for that and I’m playing without colorblind mode.