Sombra changes on the PTR - a bad choice

I would like to express how disappointed I am in terms of the latest sombra changes, currently on the PTR. It’s almost painful to see how slow she ended up, and how her abilities got so easy to manage. I remember agreeing with lots of other players on the fact that she was one of the hardest players to master, and how interesting it was to come up with strategies to scout and correctly infiltrate and disrupt the enemy team. Overwatch is a fast paced FPS where the players have the ability to make decisions in the moment, and that is one element on the process of getting better at the game.

However, these latest changes seem like they were made to make her easier for kids or something. It just doesn’t add up to the type of character she could really be.

I could in fact even work with infinite translocator. But infinite stealth just can’t be good. I have a bit of a feeling there will be lots of trolls who will be nowhere to be found, always invisible. Infinite stealth pushes for a lot more time waiting, helps to create doubt on whether you should go for it or not, and that, in matches where there’s no communication, will not help at all.

However i could be wrong or seeing this from a different perspective. Is it possible that she is better this way?

Improvements to Sombra2.0 check these changes out and let me know what you think of it.