Sombra Changes Make Me Want To Not Play Overwatch

I don’t think it’s any secret to anyone who’s been looking over the forums since the PTR went up that I think the changes to Sombra are a travesty and should be thrown in a dumpster and set on fire. But after having some time to stew and think about the changes and Blizzard’s response being “we’re looking at it, which is just code for we’re not reverting her changes, we’re right and you’re wrong,” I’m not feeling like I want to re-learn how to play Sombra. I’m not even feeling like playing ANY character.

I’ve said before that Sombra is my favorite character, both to play and in story. Now immediately you’d think, “oh you’re just being protective of your favorite character, you’re biased.” Well, yeah, I am. I was biased toward the Pyro, Medic and Engineer when I was playing more Team Fortress 2, I was biased toward the Paladin when I was playing World of Warcraft, I was biased toward playing Light characters when I played DC Universe Online, and I’m biased toward playing Sombra in Overwatch. If you play a class in a class-based game, of course you’re going to grow attached to and be biased toward that class, it’s the class YOU play. I’m the same way with Zenyatta, Winston, Reinhardt and Soldier: 76 to an extent. But I digress. I got into playing Sombra because I found her kit stupid fun, her backstory suitably tragic, her design slick (especially the purple primary color) and the character’s sassy, in-control personality cool.

Ever since the PTR changes to Sombra went up, there’s been a riot in the forums rallying against the character on the ground she didn’t need a rework, she didn’t need infinite Stealth and Translocator, she needed bug fixes. The second round of PTR changes addressed a couple of concerns, like her obscenely loud Translocator that could be heard 20 meters away through walls, the doubled detection radius and Sombra’s inability to cancel her reload animation by using Hack, but I’m of the opinion that the PTR changes are still going to make her overall weaker. With the exception of her ultimate, her entire kit can be cancelled by a single point of damage. Her gun is wildly inaccurate and its damage is awful, which wouldn’t be so bad if her reload animation didn’t feel longer than all of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies uncut put together. She has no mid-fight utility or burst damage capability. Blizzard have said they have no interest in turning Sombra into an assassin, when that’s exactly what her kit seems to push her toward, being someone who infiltrates the backline and cripples the enemy team by taking out a support or a sniper. They’ve said they want to turn Sombra into a scout character, who infiltrates the backline and tips off her team. One, we already had Hanzo’s Sonic Arrow, WIdowmaker’s ultimate and our own game sense for that. Two, how does that help Sombra when a team fight happens? Three, does she gain ultimate charge for calling out enemies? Face it, Blizzard, this idea of making Sombra a scout is a dud. Further, the changes actually make Sombra a worse infiltrator. Her Translocator being destroyable by enemies means she can’t throw it somewhere the enemies aren’t looking, stealth up and teleport behind them or throw it into the middle of a team fight to fire off an EMP. The reduced Stealth movement speed means she can’t get to certain ledges she can now or quickly get out of sight.

So yeah, I hate the Sombra rework, and Blizzard’s bullheaded endeavoring to push this terrible change through and turn my favorite character into little more than a troll pick really hurts me. How often does a Sombra player get picked and the chat lights up with abuse aimed right at them, with constant calls to switch off the character and threats to report the player simply for playing Sombra? It feels like they’re making her a worse character to make the already-overly-prevalent ones more appealing, like they’re trying to push Sombra players toward playing Tracer and Genji, two characters I absolutely cannot stand. I don’t want to quit playing Overwatch, I like the game just fine, gripes with projectile spam, annoying characters and choke point-heavy maps notwithstanding. I will probably play considerably LESS of the game, though, because I don’t want to see my favorite character’s kit maimed and it being called a buff. Not only does this “rework” feel wrong, it feels like Blizzard [JARATE]ing on my face and telling me it’s raining.


This is especially harsh when the Sombra player doesn’t have a mic.


So here’s a thought about breaking stealth with damage.

What if it was delayed where stealth would break, by 3 seconds after taking the damage.

With audio queues.

I feel the same. Here is a post I made yesterday about how I don’t enjoy playing much overwatch anymore. Sombra is kinda the last thing that’s holding me here.


Yep. LFG has helped this a bit, but there’s only so much it can fix.

They lowered the skill floor, which in itself isn’t a bad thing.
Except they lowered her skill ceiling as well effectively making one of the worst characters in the game easier to play but weaker overall.

Blizzard are so out of touch with the players. I can understand not listening to the whole Mercy situation but it was almost unanimous with us Sombra players that she didn’t need any big changes, let alone infinite stealth at the cost of stealth’s utility.


Good post. Same boat; Not quitting Overwatch but confused and vexed by the recent changes.

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I don’t play to win on her anyway, as long as she isn’t gimped to the point of being painful to use (i.e. 20m beacon detect, 4m stealth detect) i’ll try to see what i can do.

In the forums, Sombra mains are the ones complaining, but ingame, everyone else is.

Some immunity from autobans for Sombra would be appreciated.

It’d help if Blizzard would talk to the community, do something to alleviate our concerns, but they just remain quiet. We don’t bite, Blizzard, you can talk to us! We’re nerds too, we’re not going to shove you in a locker and throw your books in a puddle!

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Or atleast talk to well known Sombra specialists like Fitzy, Codey, or WorstSombra

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Or to Danteh… I mean, there’s a reason he’s a pro.

way to op. 3 second delay? that gives her plenty of time to escape without any punishment for making a mistake by taking damage

I am weary about talking to pros considering what they did to sombra last time. I know he likes sombra, but it is a different game for them.

Yeah but if you’ve heard his thoughts on her, he’s with us.
He believes she doesn’t have the impact people say she does and that hack targets just get full pocketing so it doesn’t affect them as much as people say that it does.

You should always have several mains.

One tricking leads to these problems as well as making people toxic.

Yeah, I watched the interview. He thinks she has too much downtime and is too slow paced for how fast the game moves/changes.

I have multiple characters that I am good at, but they are all mind numbingly boring compared to sombra.

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Worry not, Sombra will be just fine without you. If you cannot adapt to getting big buffs that give you far more control of your character, that give you timer refunds for destroying unused beacons, that allow you more precision over point control (decloaking at a precise time to enable teammates time to arrive is actually more powerful and requires more skill than invis cheesing a timer), and can’t manage trading 16.67% runspeed difference, which because of permanently invis actually gives you much greater mobility, in exchange for losing a couple of jumps that a refundable beacon more than makes up for…you’re insane.

The only bad thing this Sombra change is going to do is increase the population of Sombras, and as long as hack is in the game, more Sombras is bad. So, if you are incapable of adapting, and learning how to make these changes, which are a net benefit to Sombra work for you, I do not mourn one less Sombra in Overwatch.

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Do you play Sombra by any chance and what are your hours?


There are still more nerfs in this update compared to buffs, even with them reverting the audio of translocator and the detection radius.


I don’t think they do:

Just another guy who is either trolling or doesn’t know how to play Sombra and the mechanics behind her.