People are going to complain about sombra even more now lol instead of learning how to adapt to her play
Can certainly doesn’t mean will
It’s only a 20% damage buff, she wasn’t far off before this
Now that’s just a straight up lie
It’s 20% more damage, that’s not that much damage more my guy. If she erases now, she practically erased before, don’t be daft.
Can you make a custom game with Role Queue health to test this out?
Tanks in the practice have lower health, same as Open Queue tanks. Sombra is still doing alot of damage, wont disagree with that.
I am not going to lie, Sombra was already melting tanks. Her DPS was relatively high and it got a 20% damage increase for the first second.
The damage buff is for the whole hack duration, past the 1 second lockout. The whole 8 seconds they are revealed by the hack.
Oh, wow, that’s insane!
Uh, so yeah, I guess you REALLY need a cleanse now.
Yeah, none of this is reality in an actual game. You can melt someone if theyre afk, that’s it.
Everyone got what they wanted, no more perma-invis. Two reworks now, no more. It’s obvious the complainers will always find something to whine about.
She can half-clip JQ with body shots
You need only 30 bullets to kill a jq with bodyshots. So, yes, you can spawncamp a tank now.
An AFK tank.
A JQ can knife/axe/shoot and a sombra is dead.
Yall are playing against bots and it shows.
Yeah against a stupid sombra that would work. Sombra can do this outside of JQ’s range. Just dodge the knife and she’s completely screwed.
And yes, she can melt JQ even with shout.
Nothing of what you are saying is reality in an actual game. No JQ is getting solo’d by a sombra. Just stop trolling.
“I never saw it, so it’s not happening.”
Yes, of course you know everything, o wise one. Clearly I, despite having done it myself, don’t know what I’m talking about. Clearly you know more than me because reasons lol.