Sombra can get under the payloads in Rialto and Blizzard World

If Sombra’s translocator is placed in front of the Payloads on both maps and the payloads are allowed to move over the translocator. She can use the translocator to get under the payloads.

Technically she can do this with all payloads but these are the two that I know of that will not eject her.


For Rialto: once you get to a checkpoint it takes you out, you throw it up and wait a few, or wait until it kicks you (have to get it at the exact place) rest of there just walk out

don’t throw here
imgur .com/qDfXNE1
DON’T translocate here just in case you get stuck
imgur .com/XbYNPpN

For Blizz World: just walk out

don’t throw here
imgur .com/6rd2Nxo
DON’T translocate here just in case you get stuck
imgur .com/MBAz20J

King’s Row: You can get under but it’s harder to tl there. It’s fine

Dorado: Can get under but impossible to shoot.

Maps where it’s fine:
Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Route 66

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Both payloads are easy to get out from under, but in both cases the payload obstructs the view of other players. It becomes possible to hide underneath it without the opposing team knowing you are there.


It’s harder to get out of the Rialto one if you throw it’s the exact place I tld under it, couldn’t even get out of it until the checkpoint. Rest of the time I was able to get out easily

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I tested this bug for the sake of one of my post where I have a huge list of Sombra bugs here is a Video of my and a few zen bots trying it out:

My post with Sombra bugs: Even more Sombra Bugs in 1.26/1.27/1.28 [With Video's] - #34 by Somvra-1200 Just in case you’re intrestet how bad blizz messed up with the new changes.


Ohh that is a game breaking bug, can they still damage you while you are stuck underneath the payload?

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Depending on the payload type (map type) and where you got stuck in.
In my video I could I just had given the zens almost no dmg and myself huge dmg reduction so they don’t destroy my TL instandly.

You can be pulled out with orisa’s mini grav and zaryas normal grav

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This is good information, thank you for this!

But how I said in my post don’t try it in a offical gamemode of Blizzard (qp, arcade, Comp) you might actually get banned for it considering blizzard history with sutch bugs

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Trust me lol I am not :sweat_smile:

Just get the warning out there I luckely never had a match with a Sombra doing this but it surely is annoying to play agaist and ruins the game for others.


I will for sure.

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But trying it in quickplay/arcade is the best way to raise awareness. Just don’t be a jerk and do it all game long.

Not really. It just makes other players mad at you. That last thing you want is people flagging you for cheating.

He is right in only frustrates people that will report you and Blizzard will ban you its was always this way and it will probably not change

A report of someone exploiting this bug has been posted on reddit.