Sombra "buff" on the PTR


This is rather huge but.


Its not. The improvement you get, gets negated by the increased overall cooldown.

Its the blizzard mentality of we cant just buff her without nerfing her in return.


I am not surprised, really.


I mean, I have a pretty passive playstyle with Sombra.

What little I play.

And waiting 4 seconds after recalling to a healthpack was really annoying.


Her downtime is straight up increased. Enjoy the buff guys. smile.


It’s a significant increase in downtime, but people are worrying about why they increased the cooldown.

I mean, if they kept her old numbers, Sombra would basically always have her Translocator at the ready.

They have to give some window of opportunity.


Both buff and a nerf, but I think the buff out-weights the nerf for many of the causal Sombra players who mostly poke from the back line and teleport all the time without killing anyone.


I dont get this mentality where they just cant straight up buff her. She always needs to have some compensation nerf with her “buffs”.


Lol, tell me about it. This buff really streamline the that Sombra playstyle without that 2s hiccup of waiting to throw your teleporter.


You translocate out and while the translocator cooldown is running, you hack the pack (0.65s), go into stealth (0.7s) and start running to your intendend loaction and around 2.5 seconds you turn around and throw you locator back to where you wanted it. Its really not a big deal. That buff is more of a quality of life change with little benefit when you were playin her correctly. The cooldown nerf however is a big issue.


At least spawn-camping will be slightly easier now. Can’t wait to get death threats in QP. :sunglasses:

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The changes are actually pretty big.

You essentially have 2 charges of translocator at the cost of an extra 2 seconds.

I admit it’s not what she needs, but it isn’t a nerf.


Not a fan, and it won’t be a buff for my usual playstyle.

Do you want TLs in spawn? Because that’s how you get TLs in spawn.

It slows down her rollouts, and limits her use of TL for midfight mobility.

It completely incentivizes keeping your TL further back, as to not risk getting it popped, and 6s is far too long to keep it pocketed so you have a quick reposition tool.


She just get clunkier and clunkier with every unwanted and unwarranted “buff” huh? Meanwhile no actual issues regarding her ever get addressed.

I’m not surprised, of course, it’s just rather depressing.


Sounds like one of my suggestions. But when i posted that, it was to lower her downtime, but the six second cooldown is going to have an impact on her ability to bring the translocator into the fight.

We’ll see how this works, but they really couldn’t let even a QoL go by without nerfing her :expressionless:


Its seems some dont see the opness of this buff (if i understand it well). With it you simply dont play sombra the same way. The new way is to unstealth, use the 2 trans to attack the ennemy, by the time: your steath is back, use it to go healthpack while your 6s trans go back and do it again. Its a productivity time >= 50% (6+s fighting, 6s healing) which seems more than the actual sombra.But only practise can confirm.

Edit: i was wrong i didnt take into account that to attack ennemy with 2 trans you have to wait 6s. Still the best way if you are in advance to your team and have time to set it up.

I think that is the rub. I also have a passive Sombra playstyle and to me this is definitely a buff. But it’s a nerf to a more active Sombra playstyle which is more favored by OWL players.


It’s more of a playstyle changing and it doesn’t necessary makes her more passive, you can throw your tp on the high ground, go into combat, translocate, throw another tp and go into combat again.

If you need to go to health pack, you can place a tp before you find a health pack, healed and immediately translocate back to combat then another tp is up.

It doesn’t make her stronger to deal damage or utility, but it opens up a new option and increase her up time to stay in mid fight.

I don’t think it’s nerf.
Most sombra rollout required one translocator jump and then after find spot to hide your translocator.