Sombra, bastion and reaper buffs

It’s not that they are useless …. it’s more like most of the time 10 other heroes are better.

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I am not sure if he is so good against Hammond. Sure he will outdmg him by far in a 1v1, but Hammond is very mobile and reaper just isn’t.

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Bastion needs his Sentry mode reverted to the way it was before the rework, so he can actually be a threat instead of a sitting duck. He would still be vulnerable to Hog,, Orisa, and anyone behind Reinhardt’s shield. If anything, restoring the tight spread and headshots that Bastion used to have would make good tank play more valuable, not less, because without a tank to stop him Bastion could kill everyone else.

People want Reaper to be buffed because his pick rate is low like Bastion’s, but Reaper is actually already in a pretty good place against most heroes since his most recent changes. The main problem with Reaper is that he has to get in close to deal damage, though, and his ability to get behind a whole team to do that effectively is severely limited by how poorly Shadow Step performs in-game. If he manages not to get shot in the process, it still takes him too long to teleport to a safe place and then actually make his way in where he wants to be. They need just one more change to make Reaper viable at all ranks, and that is to remove or reduce the extreme vulnerability he suffers while appearing at the Shadow Step destination. If he could teleport directly into the enemy team and start the engagement already in his ideal range, he would actually be good competition for Tracer’s spot in a team.

As for Sombra… people haven’t gotten to play the new Sombra extensively yet. I think they have yet to realize the power that infinite stealth will give them for engaging at the proper time, every time.

Welp like i said when hammond was on test servers and i played reaper agains 5 of them, they start running away and swiching off.
But now i have no idea how it willl be.

And why does low pickrate = a bad hero? Maybe people just dont like the hero, I myself would never play bastion even if he got buffed because i just dont find the hero fun

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Low pickrate is fine, we’re not asking for them to buff his pickrate, that would be impossible because of people like yourself (that’s not meant to be rude, people like what they like). We’re asking for him to be able to do his job properly. With his current spread, his damage is so heavily dependent on RNG, that it makes him nearly unplayable… Imagine if pressing LMB on Reinhardt gave you a 35% chance of swinging your hammer…

I wouldn’t even care if they nerfed his damage a bit as long as they gave him better accuracy and headshots back (and a damage boost against barriers so that he keeps his “barrier buster” job). I just want to be able to kill what I aim at, be rewarded for clicking heads.

I’m not saying I would like them to start with this, I’d rather start with a full damage restoration (and remove Ironclad), but if they want to reduce his effectiveness against enemies (which is what they tried to do with the spread increase), they can do something like this…

  • Configuration Sentry
    • Damage reduced to 12
    • Headshots added
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.3 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches a maximum of 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Ammo reduced to 250
    • Deals 25% bonus damage to barriers

This one is assuming they do keep 20% Ironclad, but I’d prefer that they either remove it or combine it with self-repair (so you only get damage resistance while repairing), and give his full damage potential back…

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People want Reaper buffed because he doesn’t do his job well.

He’s supposed to be the designated tank shredder but Junkrat and Tracer can do it more effectively than him


Yeah, all of these are “They don’t do their job properly”… Nothing to do with pickrates really, the pickrates are where they are because they don’t do their job properly…

Where’s my designate support shredder? Or designated DPS shredder? Can we avoid having a hero who just gets to exist to counter an entire role.

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Tracer, Genji, Sombra (theoretically)

Roadhog, Widowmaker, Hanzo


I mean reapers complete trash at it so… Either way 1 exception really isint anything to whine about

Yeah but we still have Brigitte

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Brig and Moria would like to have a word with you.

Most DPS run circles around hog. If it weren’t for brig, widow could be dived, and Hanzo is just flat busted. Even so, he doesn’t win against every DPS (or just have a massive advantage.)

And look how that’s turned out. Let’s ask for it again.

Not if some of the buff requests I’ve seen get through.

Any dps who has more then half a brain can easily kill a reaper its cool though cause hes bad against any decent tank though 2

And Roadhog would like to have a word with Reaper being a kill-all for tanks.

Until he hooks them

Not until the 10 second grapple comes in

Well, I mean yes, but he’s still good at killing literally everything

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Hammond players will just be like Winston players. If they have more IQ than a fridge they just go out of Reapers range. And in Hammonds case kill him with range instead of Winston that has to run away.

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Again, I re-iterate. If people’s buff requests for reaper get through, he will just be a “I win” button for tanks.

He’s dead by then. If he misses once, he’s only got a pitful heal.

So why are we factoring this in? If Hanzo is busted, he’s not a good example when it comes to balance.

Even if he is an “I win” against tanks (he wouldn’t be, you could still out-play him), have your DPS deal with him… Same with Bastion.

If you don’t have anything to deal with tanks, then the tanks become an “I win” against everything else…

Roadhog’s heal gives him 2 seconds of 50% damage resist… Bastion can’t kill him even with every single bullet hitting him… Far from pitiful…

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Because people are stupid and think that every character should be viable in every map, ironically, those 3 are viable but people just want an easier way to play their favorite characters

I can’t speak for the other two, but Bastion is definitely not viable. He has his job (anti-tank, anti-barrier), but he doesn’t do it well enough to be considered viable. Viable isn’t “Able to be used well, no matter the circumstances”, viable is “Able to do your job properly”. Bastion’s damage output is far too low for him to be the anti-tank hero that Blizzard seems to want him to be. Here’s some math to back that up. He’s far to unreliable with his massive spread to be considered viable. If they want him to do less damage, then reduce his damage. Don’t make his gun 90% RNG.

If he were to go 10 damage per shot (a 33% decrease), but have a better spread pattern (use Orisa’s for example), it would still be a buff to his damage output beyond 20 meters, even without headshots. Not a huge difference at 20 meters, but it makes it more consistent across the board.