Sombra balance changes from a Sombra main

I agree with that nerf. It feels fair, specially with that better visual for hacked targets.

wait did they nerf her on ptr?
are you serious?
I am starting to main her D:

No they didn’t?

20 char

Nah, it is a nerf we are discussing in exchange for buffs(in this case you cannot hack already hacked people, in exchange for better visuals, team wall hacks for hacked characters, and faster movement speed).

when i get good at her

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wait so she got buffed how or can you show me the patch notes. I didnt see any patch notes on bnet last I check

Well good luck xD

Sombra is alot of fun.

She did not get buffed nor nerfed, for gripes sakes, we are discussing hypotetical buffs and nerf.


You mean broken beyond belief?

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No we are just discussing possible nerf and buff ideas.

She got a small bugfix buff to where she now removed antiheal with translocating.
Here are the patchnotes.

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I love sombra with passion because she makes doomfist mains cry.
Thats why I am trying to get better her.
imagine all the people i can make them cry >:D

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oooo me likey
Now i dont have to wait for it to get removed

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I am sorry that I am dumb jeez

Stand in the front line, but always be directly behind your tank. DVA can matrix, Hog can body block and eat damage, Zarya can bubble you, and Rein and Orisa can shield you.

I really liked your ideas.
I hope a developer will see them :slight_smile:.

Always having tranlocator as you described it is misleading, you always have it but you don’t necessarily put it in a place where you are completely removed from the fight. Very often it will just be on the other side of the screen, so being able to initiate reload, shift onto some high ground and start firing again reduces her midfight downtime slightly.

It also gives her a better chance of defending herself if the Translocator is being camped, if you’re the kinda guy who just throws it on top of a hacked healthpack.

This is a buff and possibly a bait thread but:

As a Sombra main who is tired of hearing my team cry about her being overpowered (which I disagree with for the record. Though she is oppressive). I think the best nerf for her would be:

Changing EMP to activate in a wave like sound barrier. I think her hack is extremely balanced and some players just don’t have the prediction/reaction time to prevent/force 0 value out of it. Not enough players spy check and tank players are too slow at shielding her hack (especially rein players who should be on high sens) But her EMP is definitely VERY oppressive for how easy it is to farm and how much value it gives. There is almost no counterplay because it is a faast cast time with instant activation to everything in the radius. Giving it a wave effect would give players further away from Sombra more time to react to it. They could hide behind geometry or have time to use their abilities to save themselves from it.

Other than that, I think Sombra is in a great place. If the meta shifts back to a skillshot bunker or dive meta she will not be able to get as much value. Heroes like Torbjorn, Ashe, the new McCree, Widow, Hanzo, Hog, Soldier, dont care about being hacked. She is thriving right now because we are in an ability-based meta between bastion bunker and goats. She counters abilities, skillshots with minimal cooldowns counter her.

Nothing bait about it, i’m totally serious. Sombra is not oppressive.

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Honestly, it’s not that I’m against that nerf completely, but I strongly suggest it to affect all CC. I have always been saying in the past that Blizzard needs to implement a CC resistance to all tanks if not all players where after they recover from a CC for like 2-3s before the next CC can happen.

Can we also add in Hack being less oppressive to Lucio, Hammond, and Doomfist?

Her kit should be a counter, but holy cow, her hack makes those three heroes useless and is really over the top. She is effectively a hardcounter (probably the hardest counter) to 3 heroes.