Yeah, UPC use that network link.
Edit: Solved the my problem. Eventually this wasn’t a network issue (however i have a cablemodem /w Intel Puma 6 SoC ) neither server side or ISP related but client side issue. Namely my CPU was performing poorly and couldn’t feed my GPU with enough datas.
This post helped my a lot to narrow down the root of the problem. I can say that it’s almost a must-have.
After applying the registry priority trick the game become much more stable but fps drop was still there, just happened much less often. So i had a strong guess it will be CPU related.
Finally it turned out my computer was infected with malwares resulting a ~30-40% CPU usage in idle stage (after start-up). One of them closed every web browser when i searched the terms: adware, malware etc. but couldn’t catch the mistype ones ex.: malvare.
I managed to install malwarebytes and run it in Safe-Boot mode. After getting rid of this malwares every problem was solved. My CPU usage went back to 5-6% in idle stage and google up ‘malwares’ didn’t end up with a closed browser. And ofc my FPS went back from periodic 30 to the stable 150.
Run a clean start-up and check whether it solved your problem. If so you may have a faulty driver, enabling them one-by-one help you to find faulty one.
Using antivirus softwares, firewalls are not enough if you don’t let them do their jobs (disabling them) or surfing the internet carelessly.
It doesn’t matter how silly a tip sounds try it out. (Scan malwares).
Scan can give you false-positive results during normal mode. Both malwarebytes and defender give me nothing when was run in normal boot mode. Reason is that viruses,malwares,adwares can place themselves during start-up into your RAM encumbering the job of these scan softwares. The best if you can use a bootable antivirus software to get rid of those things (Kaspersky Rescue Disk is a good one).
Single player games are less sensible for this kind of things. Assassin’s Creed Origins ran on Ultra /w stable >140 FPS.
Check HW temps. High temperature → Lowering voltage → Lower clock frequency → lower performance.
Bugging drivers. Reinstall/Update/Remove them.
Look around in the BIOS. Check your XMP profile (mine was on a default after a BIOS upgrade) and set your GPU’s PCIe link speed to Gen3 to prevent it going to low power mode. Perform a BIOS upgrade if needed.
Windows updates can hit the performance as well. Not just the newly announced features but security updates as well( but security updates are MUST).
Google up new Windows update optimization techniques and trying to disable new features. For example “fullscreen optimalization”. On the executable Right Click > Properties > Compatibility > ‘Disable Fullscreen Optimizations’. It helped me a lot.
If nothing works Backup & Windows reinstall. If problem is still around it’s probably really a server,ISP side problem, get those diagnostic files and post them without hitting a bad tone and PLEASE use </> option.
Happy gaming!