Solve the Mystery of Cosmic Crisis

I know mate, it’s unfair but we can’t do much about it.

We gotta face the truth as it’s been proven many times with Blizzard in general : whenever there’s a new currency that replaces an older one, all that you’ve farmed for years becomes obsolete.

Thinking Blizzard would let veteran players buy new cosmetics or weapons skins to reward them for all the time played for years is being very naive.

That’s also why playing World of Warcracft expansions is a waste of time after 1-2 months tops. Every time there’s a new expansion, all that you’ve completed gets literally erased and has no real value.

Maybe in 2024. Depending on whatever is happening with PvE. Maybe we might not get anything at all

What are the cosmic crisis challenges? How do I complete them?

Im trying to solve the mystery of what the hell did you all smoke when you came out with this balance patch.

  • Tanks are dead weight
  • Healers are useless
  • You can land headshots on a character without even making contact with their sprite
  • Soldier, Hanzo and Bastion are dominating the games

I have done this at every chance I got


we will not get anything at all, they havent mentioned a singel thing about pve since august, they fired everyone working in the pve, not even bothering to replace them with an AI, it took them 4 years to deliver 3 stupid missions of 1 hour of content, the rio mission was already made in 2019, the toronto missoin was some previews seen on trailers since 2019, gotenburg map was show too since 2019

from ow2 trailers we can imagine they were making 3 more missions, they showa new york mission that was show some STORYBOARDS, not even a finished cutscenes, a doomfist cutscene maybe in monaco and some unfinished ctuscene of genji with zenyatta and widow, the cliffhanger of the pve relased in 2023

is safe to say pve was cancelled again but blizzard is just not telling us, lying again, lie by omission, but blizzard dont have the guts to tell us, imagine the mess they will make, again

Solve the mystery of why season 9 sucks

Boo!! Tomato :tomato: :boom: tomato! :tomato::boom:

I like fan random content but I would appreciate more canon story events.

Is this mode any good? I see no one talking about it.

feedback on everything: functionally and artistically.

No one is playing it. just waiting in queue forever. and when the match is found the team can’t be completed. leaving later due to not being able to play it.