Solo tank is why this game is stomp heavy

Whoever has the better tank wins 9 out of 10 times. If you have a Doom, JQ, Ball or post-nerf Hog you might as well not even leave the spawn. Dva is also hit or miss on whether or not they are a feeder or have a brain.


Hard agree supportd are rarely the carry



Itā€™s actually a support diff every match.

Thereā€™s like 3 tanks who are throw picks vs half the support roster.

If the other tank has Bap+Kiri while youā€™re stuck with Mercy+Lucio itā€™s a RIP, even if youā€™re the better tank.

Support has the single most match influence as support holds the monopoly of sustain.

it also depends on what way they go with balance forward. if more dps get nerfs and tanks get buffed or remain generally the same expect their to be more of a tank difference lol

unless they nerf healing drastically

This canā€™t be further from the truth.
The only reason the game has stomp heavy matches is because the factor is ā€œpeopleā€.

The game is team-based and it will ALWAYS be stomp heavy aslong as itā€™s Team-based.
A tank being a God will still get SAT on HARD by an opponent team that has 4 better other allies.


I would say it this way:

Supports have the most pick influence.

Tanks have the most skill influence.

Iā€™ve won tons of games with good Doomfist or Queen VS meta tanks, they just needed to play better than the other tank.

Iā€™ve won next to never with a worst support comp.

I canā€™t tell if these posts are struggling with game basics or if theyā€™re all ignoring them for the sake of a point they each wanna make.

The resistance to defeat is in sustenance, whether that be damage mitigation or recovery, and the possibility of victory is in dealing more damage.

Having said that, different compositions will vary your means of manipulating those two factors. Mechanical skill is a factor this thread seems to forget, but I meanā€¦ these posts all feel like they can be summed up with ā€œteam diff.ā€


I dunno Iā€™ve been the better tank sometimes and lost cause of really bad support or dps I can honestly say it comes down to momentum too. I mean, sometimes you just get the right pics and you keep going the tank does whey a huge part in wins and losses I feel.


Because supports hold the monopoly on the second most important resource in the game, sustain.

Every role has damage available.

One role controls sustain.

Thereā€™s always a way to play around a less than ideal tank:

High Burst Damage heroes for entry frags to tip fights.

Tankier DPS who can help pressure frontlines (ie Mei, Reaper, Torb, etc)

High mobility flankers who can play past the enemyā€™s frontline & ignore the tank diff

But thereā€™s no way to play around a bad support lineup, because sustain is a limited and monopolized resource.

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S3 is introducing role-based MMR matching, so the two teamā€™s tanksā€™ will always be around the same MMR.

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When the game gives you a 3000 SR Tank vs a 3500 SR. Yeah itā€™s going to be a stomp and thatā€™s not your 3000 SR tanks fault.


Tank ā€œdiffā€ is the biggest issue in this game imo. Some tanks are way stronger than others which causes this whole constant switching in the role. I think pros have also said that if the tank diff is strong enough the game is basically set. I really miss 6v6.


2 things can be true. rigging is the #1 factor.
why would devs desire to control players win rate?
so that user base would dwindle? or so that shop
purchases would increase? fascinating business model.

having only 1 tank is definitely the issue but is not necessary the tankā€™s fault.

Thatā€™s the biggest problem. Half of these tanks were designed to be off tanks and they simply donā€™t work as solo tanks for most people. JQ or Doom would be a nightmare as an off tank. But when they are your frontline they usually get deleted real fast by Orisa, Ram, Sig.

Nah, the matchmaker is the culprit imo. I donā€™t play RQ, I only play OQ, and itā€™s stomp heaven there as well even though itā€™s usually 2 tanks v 2 tanks or 3 tanks v 3 tanks. Team comp doesnā€™t seem to matter so much as the skill of each player the matchmaker had put together. In my last 72 matches of OQ, 32 of them were stomps. Basically 44%. Which is wild to me because I so rarely saw that many stomps in OW1. They did happen, but it was definitely not in almost half my matches.

Thatā€™s a false interpration. In matches where one team has healers that have high heals does not mean they are the better healers. In most cases it means that their team sticked together, they had more opportunities to actually heal them and their team (mainly their tank) had a look on each other and their healers died less. So more uptime to heal.

On the other hand the healers in the other team are not directly bad. If their DPS do dumb stuff, flank and die all the time, the healers canā€™t do much. If their team does not focus damage and canā€™t kill anyone, the healing wonā€™t make a difference in a team fight. If your tank runs face ahead into the full enemy team, leaving his backline open, then you cannot keep people alive. I played a support in one of the last matches where Hog always ran into the enemy. I could not heal him much. My DPS ran around the map - also not much healing. And when people died, the ran 1 by 1 into the enemy and died again. So my healing output was low. But not because I am bad in healing. My team just never grouped.

Even in 6v6 there were stomp or be stomped games. Itā€™s only slightly exacerbated by the new 5v5 format.

I donā€™t know because this a sample size of one, but I remember this one QP game where our team was getting rolled - everyone was like 1-3. Our tank, who was a 2-5 with monke, left, then my friend backfilled for him.

Not only did he do extremely well, him being alive gave everyone else a chance to pop off and we had a huge comeback and ended up with a streamrolling comeback and we all ended extremely positive in terms of KD.

So flank with them. AFK-ing on the objective doesnā€™t help their playstyle.

Itā€™s not your tankā€™s job to protect you. Itā€™s your job to protect yourself with proper positioning, CD management, and presure with your weapon. In fact, itā€™s best if your tank is going into the enemy team and not mirroring the enemy tank. Killing supports faster than the enemy is how you win.

Also, why not just follow them around?

Again, why are you AFK-ing on the objective instead of following around your DPS?

So what? Itā€™s not their job to group up. You find the most effective player on your team and follow them around. If theyā€™re on a hypermobile hero you canā€™t keep up with, swap so you can.

Itā€™s clear you are in the stage of learning how to adapt to your environment. Stop AFK-ing on the objective. Go be aggressive with your team. Swap to heroes that better enable your allies.