Solo que climb out of gold is near impossible

If everyone took this advice then… Uh…

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Solo queue out of any Elo is near impossible, diamond/ master isn’t any better btw

worked for me

it works because regardless of composition, people don’t work together or communicate anyway

What works higher up, doesn’t apply to gold. Usually even 5/6 stacks don’t have the discipline/comms to be much more effective than a solo 6

Your DPS is a sombra, she is hacking and finishing off people
No damage medal though, maybe only bronze Elims, but she has good Ults and hacks.
is she not pulling her weight?
Meanwhile your hog has gold Elims and damage, but the enemy Hanzo has had ult 5 times already…
Tell me who’s at fault here?

Medals tell you who’s pulling their weight. But at the same time it doesn’t tell you knows not pulling the weight. It’s also contextual. The guy could be a McCree who flanks nonstop, gets a pick, and dies immediately while their tracer one clips your zen. He may have the golds, but their genji pulls out the dragonblade and wins the teamfight. Now if he stayed with the team, with the zen, he could peel for him and the tracer will either die/not be as effective. The McCree may not be getting the medals here, but he’s doing his job and helping the team win.

While yes, medals can represent who’s doing their job, they don’t always.