Solo que climb out of gold is near impossible

Sure let me just check with the mods.

Another thing you really have to stop worrying about is medals. Nothing is more frustrating than a moira main complaining they have gold healing/damage and losing. You have a main healer trying to take the damage role and not focusing healing your own team. Yes, you have gold heals because you are the main healer and you have gold damage because your teammates are dead from not positioning yourself correctly to focus heals. Sorry that’s not directed at you - I just know from a personal friend in gold that complains about medals.

I’m sure that’s what most people experience, but there are experienced players having problems with the current MMR/SR system.

People have been complaining about having golds in w/e since Season 1, I am (at least) aware that gold medals are a not clear indicator of in-game performance.

Experience != skill. I know plenty people who are experienced af and still suck.
Im still waiting for the first account your gonna donate to me and 5k after the first climb. Then you can claim luck and donate another account and keep paying 5k per account I show you. You can do it as long as you want until you think its enough and its not luck based anymore.

You are so dense dude, you’re obviously very cocky. Your only foundation is words. We get it, “you’re good” but I don’t believe you.

Well… I mean it would be easy for you to disprove that, right? Donate me the gold account and ill start the stream in like 10-15mins or so. Will take around 1 day to climb out. Im more than happy to earn 5k a day from some random guy from overwatch forums.

lmao, if I had 5k lying around I’d honestly give you 5k to shut the hell up.

Ok your a nice guy (not really). But donate me gold account and pay me 100$ to see me to do gold to plat stream. This offer lasts only today (and one account, next will be 5k).

This is why I truly hate the system we have. There’s no reason it should be “fair” when it’s a numerical system. If you have the skill to climb you should. It shouldn’t be a time consuming weird gating thing. You shouldn’t be artificially placed vs other players based on their skill level while still using a numerical system to say “you are XXXX number in skill level.” It doesn’t feel very fair when the others around you get the same numerical value and the same rewards when they are not as good.

The whole fighting your own shadow system is absolute trash and is the real cause of all the issues.

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Sounds like you need to learn how to work with your team better. For example, you reference your Winston trying to 1v1 the reaper or your genji/tracer trying to 1v1 their brig.

I see that your main hero is Hanzo. So my question to you is WHY are you letting your Winston 1v1 the reaper or Genji/Tracer 1v1 their brig? Hanzo counters both Reaper and Brig, you should therefore be neutralizing them, so that your Winston/Genji/Tracer can have an easier time fighting the rest of the enemy team. If their Reaper tries to 1v1 your Winston, suddenly he is in a 1v2 fight against your Winston and your Hanzo, which he will lose. If their Brig is trying to 1v1 your Genji/Tracer, suddenly she is getting storm arrowed in the face and doesn’t know what to do.

To give you an example, I played a game a few days ago where my team had a Pharah on KOTH that was doing work in round 1. In round 2, the enemy team switched to McCree/Dva combo. My pharah said in voice comms “they have a McCree/Dva, I have to switch”. Knowing that Pharah was probably that person’s best hero, I just said “no, don’t switch, I’ll just hard focus their mccree/dva for you”. The enemy team didn’t kill my Pharah a single time in round 2 and we won the round and match 100-0. Because every time their McCree or Dva tried to attack my Pharah, I was on them and killing them before they could kill the Pharah.

THAT is how you “carry” games in your elo. By enabling your teammates to do what they do best by removing whatever obstacles are hindering them.

A big problem with gold elo is that most gold players would rather yell at their teammates for being ineffective with their hero rather than think “how can I help this person get more value out of their hero”.

For example, one game I had in gold, I was playing Sombra. Enemy team was running 3 heroes that Sombra was very strong against, but they were also running a Pharah that was wrecking my team. I asked my dps teammate (who was playing reaper) to switch to a hitscan to fight the Pharah. His response is “why the hell don’t you switch? why should I have to switch to help YOU”? It was absolutely baffling. The answer is “because we are on the same team!”. But I didn’t say anything and we lost the game. I’m sure in his mind he thought “we lost this game because that sombra wouldn’t switch to fight the Pharah”, when in fact, if that Pharah was taken out of the picture, I could have wrecked the entire enemy team, since they had so many heroes that were susceptible to Sombra

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TBH the best way for anyone to carry is to be able to detect the best player in the enemy and your team. You try to counter the enemys best player and try to enable the best player in your team. That needs ofc brain what most people who are stuck lack of. But you dont actually need much of mechanical skill like aim if you wanna climb and your game sense and overall knowledge is superior. Also there is heroes that doesent really need aim, only basic mechanics and good understanding of the game.

We are saying the same thing, just in different words. But I agree 100%. Some games, you can stomp the entire enemy team by 1v6ing them. In that case, you just focus on killing the enemy and don’t need to worry about the team. Some games, your teammate is stomping and all you need to do is enable them (like my example with the pharah in my previous post). Some games, the other team has ONE player that is giving everyone on your team fits, and you just need to counter that ONE player and their team will crumble like tissue paper

I didnt mean it as a different thing :stuck_out_tongue: Just wanted to add the spotting the best enemy player.

Oh, ok. I thought you meant it as a rebuttal.

But to be even more technical, the TRUEST way to carry is to have a hero that you play great with and have ANOTHER hero in your pool that you also play great with, that can counter your main hero’s counters.

This is why I love Ashe so much, because now that she is out, I have that hero synergy in my arsenal. I think Ashe’s counters are: Widow/Hanzo/Hammond/Sombra/A better Ashe & Genji/Tracer to a lesser degree.

I can usually outplay her counters with Ashe due to my mechanical skill, but in the rare instance that I’m just getting outplayed by them, I switch to Sombra, who counters ALL of those heroes. Which makes me pretty much uncounterable xD

Yeah sure if you are skilled, but I kind meant the thing as easiest way to climb. Also it would be really good to learn multiple heroes in all roles, but tbh 2 heroes each role should be good enough for starters if you wanna flex.

I think ashes biggest weakness is that her shieldbreaking is really bad. Your reload time is long af and you do 40-85 dmg depending if you hipfire or scope in. While both does around the same dps on shields its better to scope even tho it does bit less dps as you dont have to reload as often. I cant really see hammond as a counter to her because of the coach gun and lack of shield as a tank (not talking about his personal shield as its really strong but as in a shield to protect the team). Widow is pretty much her biggest counter imo (excluding shields ofc). I havent really had problems against ashes with tracer unless they have mercy pocket. Its pretty much same as widow. Easy to kill unless pocketed by mercy.

I am not a Hanzo main. I just finished my placements. I also played Ashe, Roadhog, Sym and Junkrat.

You, just like others, have made an assumption.

I can easily kill a Pharrah as a Hanzo. Not getting healed after she lands 2 aoe hits is part of the problem because then someone else kills me. Like Junk opr Widow etc.

You realise tht Sombra CAN counter Pharrah right???

So you “could have” wrecked the enemy if the Pharrah was dead? Maybe you should kill the Pharrah as Sombra. Hack her out of the air.

Playing Sombra just because there are 3 heros you counter isnt a good justification for playing Sombra when you just said “I could have wrecked them if the Pharrah was dead.” You cant exactly guarantee that you would wreck them. What you did guarantee was the deaths of your teammates. Maybe the reaper was doing well and close to an ult.

But see, that is problem. You were so focused on trying to perform, and at the same time not performing because of Pharrah, and your team is dead becauise of the Pharrah. So, essentially, your admit that your hero pick was useless in that situation.

How many EMPs did you get??? If you didnt get at least 3 EMPs by the 4 minute mark that’s kind of bad. And blaming your team for not switching to kill the Pharrah when Sombra can give her a problem, that kind of defeats your own argument.

Your right that Ashe’s shield breaking is really bad, which is why I never bother trying to whittle down the enemy shields. I neutralize that potential weakness by just avoiding the shields

I play Ashe as a flank sniper style. I try to sneak around the shields (taking the high ground if available) and delete the healers and squishies from behind, then I just start shooting at their tanks from behind, setting up a cross fire with my team. Or if they have an Orisa, I will try to throw a dynamite and then 3 tap her head from above or behind, usually can kill her before enemy team has a chance to protect her.

Another strategy I’ve been toying with but haven’t implemented yet is maybe just sneaking behind enemy shield, dropping down and just booping their squishies past the choke right into my team so they get deleted.

You have to be very proficient in fighting 1v1 duels to utilize this style effectively, because you aren’t going to get any protection from your team when you are behind enemy lines, but I find that this works really well for me

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Sure. But the higher you climb the flanking ashe wont work as well because she is not too strong as a flanker. But then again if you can click heads its not too hard to get an angle with coach gun from highground to shoot over the shield to the backline. Ashe is highly mechanical char and cheap tricks like flanking doesent work for too long. I mean Ive seen so many low rank moiras who flank. Only reason it works some times is because people just ignore the moira for some weird reason. On higher ranks if you go flank with moira you are literally throwing.

Talk about making assumptions. “maybe the reaper was doing well”. This is a scenario that happened in real life, not some theoretical discussion. He was NOT doing well, he actually wasn’t doing anything. You really shouldn’t speculate on how he was doing, considering you were not in the game.

This happened on my other account that I generally use to play a bunch of random heroes that I feel like playing at the time in a competitive environment (quickplay is not), not trying to climb the ladder. Yes, if I WAS focused on trying to climb the ladder on that account, I would have switched to a hitscan myself after the reaper refused to, and could have carried the team to a win. As my main hero is Ashe, who is one of Pharah’s strongest counters. Who I have an 85% win rate with, in plat…

But I can see the point of my example went WAY over your head, even though I thought it was quite clear. The point was, if you want to climb, instead of focusing on what your teammates are doing wrong and blaming them for things going wrong, focus on what YOU can do to fix whatever is going wrong. The example being, if the Reaper had switched to hitscan instead of yelling at me that he shouldn’t have to do something to help the team, we would have won (same if one of the healers switched to ana to fight the pharah or one of the tanks switched to dva). I was on fire for most of the match and had 3 gold medals, so I thought his hostile reaction to my request that would have won the game was strange.

The fact that you think Sombra is a good Pharah counter shows that your game sense is shockingly low. There is nothing Sombra can do to Pharah if the Pharah sticks close to her team the entire time. Her damage output is too low to burst Pharah down, Pharah will get healed back up and you will have the entire enemy team shooting at you if you attempt to attack her in this situation. Same if you try to hack her. If you DO pull off the hack (assuming that Pharah is low enough to the ground to allow this, not up in the skybox where she usually is), Pharah just falls out of the air, back down into the middle of her team, what do you propose Sombra can do once that happens?

But instead of listening to the advice of people trying to help you, just keep attacking them. That will help you climb the ladder

It’s not my only strat, it’s just something I use when enemy team isn’t expecting it. I generally don’t go into games with a set plan, I just make it up on the fly based on what the enemy team comp is vs my team comp and where they are positioned, etc. For example, if they have flankers, I will usually post up on high ground behind my back line so that I can shoot at enemy players from long distance and peel for my healers when their flankers attack