Solo players vs 5 stack?

Just had a comp game where my team was 5 solo players vs a 5 stack. Why is this a thing? Is the game really this dead???


It’s not about the game being dead, it’s just the matchmaker apparently not being interested in considering that aspect.

The new ranked system does make it hilariously obvious when there are stacks involved now, though. Solo Q games and its pretty much all just your rank, maybe 1 above or below. Stack games, the range will be 5+ ranks. Almost always the games are less fun - playing with people way out of your current skill level is inherently lousy to start with, let alone the added potential aspects of coordination etc that groups have over randoms.

I’m certain they changed something with how stacks are handled with this MM update in S9.

I seriously last night had 4 comp games in a row where I was the tank for a 4 stack. In most cases they don’t even join voice, just play by “themselves” in a Discord call or the group voice. The supports mostly ignore me and pocket their DPS buddies. Sometimes they join voice at the end to flame me.

I was playing Mauga because I figured it would force the supports to help me out. I did decent and wasn’t feeding, only 1-5 deaths each game. In at least two of these matches I was mass reported, which I know because they wrote in chat “tank diff report Flounder for throwing.”

Today I wake up to a ban message not even telling me what the offense was. Just “Action Taken: We have temporarily suspended access to this Overwatch® account.” I’m positive it was automated. How could I have been toxic, these stacks didn’t even join voice for me to say anything to them?

I guess I’m finally quitting Overwatch 2. Playing tank this season was already miserable enough. Being a “warm body” to fill the game for a stack who just wants to DPS/support and ignore you makes it even more insulting. Have fun with your queue times, everyone!

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Note that when you reach an even increment of 100 SR you get a “rank up match” and these seem to be correlated to the wide division disparity, and a higher chance of getting paired with/against stacks. If you lose this match, you get the “volatile” downward adjustment and lose more SR than normal.

More info here: Volatile Adjustment

I don’t know, queue as support and having to wait 4+ mins only to be placed in a match against a stack of five while my team is all solo players is terrible. That tells me that there aren’t many games going on around my skill tier which is crazy since this is the start of a new season and weekly challenges. We couldn’t move the payload more than 5 ft, it was humiliating.

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Day 9999999999 waiting for solo only queue


As a solo ranked tank, I play the game in the middle of the night, and the opponent is always multiplayer ranked. I lose more than 90% of these games. If you have an advantage, the opponent will switch heroes in multiple positions to restrain you; if you have a disadvantage, you will lose the game very quickly. No matter how you fight, you will lose.

This is why Overwatch is not as popular as Valorant and CSGO. It is too discriminatory to solo players. The developers did not take into account that many players will not spend a lot of time looking for strong teammates. It would be much better if Overwatch had an absolute solo queue mode.

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I’ve been waiting a long time for this as well.

Think it has something to do with the lack of 5-stacking within ranked. They either wanted queue times lowered or they forgot to fix the matchmaker.

To solve this problem you need to find people to group with your self.

Solo queue in S9 is worse than previous seasons. And solo queue has always had its many glaring issues.

I’m sure it would be incredibly easy to find a stack looking for a tank player.

This has been a thing since OW1 launch. It has nothing to do with queues.

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The rank system in this game is dogwater, from letting popular streamers stack then sit on their rank to just basically dying to stacks used to promote someone to a higher rank so they can sit there and flex.

Game is dogshi=z

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