Solo Playable Tanks and Supports suggestion by the numbers

The maximum number of DPS would increase to three where role queue currently determines compositions, namely competitive. If they could apply selection restrictions without role queue I would consider this a success, demonstrating that the idea doing away with the queue times problem is easy to implement.

Let’s not worry about what they will or won’t do. They were willing to test 1-3-2 for a couple of months and were considering converting a number of tanks into DPS. Unless they have some sort of fetish for role queue I consider this an invalid objection made by lazy forum posters.

The whiners who play them don’t give off this impression. God forbid they need to tank or heal solo they swear they’ll quit the game, yet they are minorities. You give with one hand, take away with the other.

Here’s a counter word - equilibrium. Considering you short-circuit at power creep, which I’m not sure applies at all, I do not see you having a relevant point. In other words, what effect will these tanks and supports have on the game, factoring in the anti-GOATS stuff? As a DPS player I ask for an opportunity to kill them or their softer teammates. No more double barrier/shield and let Hammond do whatever he wants against triple DPS.

This game has problems on multiple orders of magnitude more significant than the state of Sombra. She can be addressed separately if need be.

Lol, Brigitte won’t be a main support. As for Mercy, there is always someone loathing something.

I don’t follow.

It’s been a long day, so sorry if I’m being daft. What would happen to QP then?

Even if this system was implemented into Comp only, it would cause more leavers - something that’s a curse in low-rank play already.

Is QP currently role queue? People who leave competitive games will eventually find themselves out of competitive. What their priorities are is up for them to judge.

Yes, QP is currently RQ and 222.

I don’t know what the stacking penalties for leaving Comp games are currently like because, well, I generally only play Comp when I’m sure I can see a game through. The current deterrent doesn’t seem to be doing the job, though. A non-RQ solution would need harsher penalties for not playing ball.

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You get suspended for the season and eventually even banned from the mode. Not sure how quickly it happens but it happens. You can’t systematically leave games. The current occurrences may be related to the queue times and people being afk.

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Well, it’s good to hear some leavers get smacked for their behaviour. It’s really infuriating.

Still, I can’t imagine many people being too happy about getting a game, and then not being able to play DPS, or maybe not even support. As I said, they got onto that max-role bug in QP pronto, and it caused an awful lot of wailing. I think that if it was a storm in a teacup, they would’ve let it live.

They’ll learn to compromise. Queue times will dramatically improve. Main tanks and supports should give more attractive options, whether in developing more tank and support players or in filling. Making them mutually exclusive also opens up more room for the hybrids.

You summed up the reason for this in your second word. People cry when they die, and refuse to acknowledge their mistakes. It’s not a tank, support, or Overwatch issue; just human nature. It’s a good part of the reason OW is so toxic.

Regardless the relative strength of a character is often far removed from it’s popularity, and/or the number of complaints it gets on the forums.

If you buff damage, then anything not behind a shield gets melted, so you buff shields, then flankers take over, so you buff healing, etc.

Eventually we hit a point where sustain damage isn’t viable and burst 1shot/combo characters are the only way to get kills(we’re pretty close to this point).

Everything should be toned down. They already started tackling shields, but burst damage and healing numbers need to drop as well.

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Damage isn’t being buffed aside from the short-range changes to Bastion, Torb, and Junkrat. The turret is the only buff that could substantially apply at range, which could perhaps be adjusted with some reduction in the range of the turret. Obviously you are very scared of balance, which perhaps makes you ill suited to judge. This applies to a lot of posters in these communities. Absolutely terrified of balance yet not terrified of having opinions about what is what. Probably awful testers. Yes, sustained damage isn’t very good when DPS are limited to two and have to shoot through at times multiple shields or try to shoo Hammond away. They can tackle shields all they want, they still stack. Your either nerf them into crap or they stack. Amusing to see what you’re implying with burst damage. Yet you mock my balance suggestions, lol. You’re an XBox player with a private profile…

You were right about one thing. The damage nerf to Orisa has been announced on PTR. I nerfed it in part because reducing her shooting movement penalty will have her firing more and feel much better to play. Removing that penalty entirely is up for discussion.

Obviously I’m petrified of balance, any changes are stressful and scary. A trait I picked up from my abusive overbearing mother as a means to cope with the reality of my father leaving us.

Calm down Dr Phil, I don’t mind balance changes, and the game needs them. I just favor nerfs over buffs for awhile, reigning in power creep, and small surgical changes not huge changes all at once.

Sick burn yo!


Maybe I’m just a very active surgeon. What you just expressed, aside from being a platitude, is indeed indicative of fear. Not all problems are small.

It’s possible to think something is a bad idea, without being afraid of it.

None of this explains the hypothetical state of the game as a result of these changes and the different composition restrictions, which are in some ways looser and in a few ways stricter.

By the way, was Bastion’s Sentry form or whatever spread tightened in recent months? He seems more accurate at range. This conflicts with the suggested buff, and should be reverted. It also can make him too impactful in general, which is why I liked it when his spread was substantially increased.

Not super recently, but yes. If I’m not mistaken he got a spread reduction to both recon and sentry in the giant patch over the summer.

I see. I strongly disagree with that. He can be a very frustrating hero to play against with a tighter spread, even without critting. I thought when they increased his spread a long time ago that was a smart move. Don’t understand why they wouldn’t just give him critting back. You don’t want him being a monster even at longer ranges.

Bastion is a tough one no doubt. He can be a nightmare at low ranks and nearly useless at high ranks, and without a significant rework I don’t see how to change that.

This explains it more at length.

I mean it’s rather moot.

We are in a world with role lock(and with OWL like a week away, I HIGHLY doubt that’ll change), and they just gutted the two tanks that I said were too strong, but you proposed buffs to.

The nerfing of Orisa and Sig alone says (to me at least) that they are unlikely to implement 1-3-2 before OWL begins, and less likely to revert role lock.

[edit] The biggest issue I see with your proposed “Goats busters” is that straight buffing Bastion, Junk and Torb to be able to deal with heavy sustain, high aoe healing and tons of defensive mitigation abilities… is any that they would just melt anything without those. If Basion is tuned to be able to hold off a Rein, with a bubble and Lucio speed; then he’ll decimate any 200hp character that enters his LoS.

This is powercreep, and why nerfing the problematic characters is a better idea then buffing their counters.

Nothing is changing overnight. The developers have a vision problem. Fortunately they also have a test environment and tools whereby they can see as opposed to imagine. The fact they spent considerable time on 1-3-2, which is more or less an awful idea, also indicates even they aren’t satisfied with things. They won’t be pulling a rabbit out of a hat whenever this developer update comes out either. There’s plenty of history to support this.

Most of the suggestions apply at closer ranges, i.e. they are targeted at GOATS. Bastion actually gets nerfed at longer ranges. These are heroes that aren’t played competitively and see little time even on the ladder. Giving them actual use isn’t power creep. King of the Hill might change, but strictly speaking different heroes shining on different maps expands the meta. It’s actually rather unclear what would happen outside of GOATS, but I’m confident GOATS would be contained and these heroes won’t do too well on more open maps.

A few thoughts on balance, including power creep.