Solider 76 Support

Not assuming at all, blizz b4 said that each role is getting new heroes.

That’s true theme wise they are different. But it kinda has to be that way.

If they were the same in most aspects it wouldn’t be a different character. But taking main heals into consideration bap is his bio nades and your trying to do the same with helix rocket. Basically turning it into a stronger 3 charge nade with a CD instead of a reload. Which mechanically is worse. His biotic field and baps regen burst both are area of effect. If soldier wasn’t able to run and bap jump mobility wise they are identical. Having imo/Amp matrix, and tac visor allow them to be diffently played. (I mean soldier would have more but um runs a skill so ummmmmm yeah used helix already)

I’m all for something new, but to me the suggested change will play similarly besides movement/skills that are required to have a distinction between characters.

I mean I’d rather have a human monk with ties to zen who has a constantly burning incense pot as his means of healing which could have a skill to add a temp attack boost. Secondary fire or a skill could be judgement bolts which are hitscan beams of light. Allowing his primary to be a staff to defend himself. I’d laugh to see a sombra get bonked by a staff just for his voice line to be “patience is the key to victory” or “bonk” to counter her boop line.

But umm that’s if I’m getting creative since I just made that up. :S

Did they say each role is getting more than 1? Because I wouldn’t be surprised if dps gets a few, and tank/support get 1 each.

this is why doom becoming tank was a trash idea, because now ideas are going to be pushed ravenously to take characters out of the dps role.

Wow first sentence in and I already hate it

I don’t want to lose any dps to support. I play every dps in the game in ranked pretty much. Love Sym on Lijiang

Don’t forget Echo. She’s the prime candidate

I already said this in your thread, but I can’t agree with role switching Echo being a good idea at the moment.

It may be a shame that she was an unnecessary DPS addition, but she works and is fun, there’s simply no rework justification there.

Role reworks can be a productive way of balancing the rosters when a hero already needs a major rework. But when the hero is doing fine, it’s a waste of resources to rework them and is just going to unnecessarily anger all the people who play them. The devs time is much better spent on the heroes who actually need their help and on making new ones.

I personally feel that would be a really weird and outlandish change. Soldier has never presented himself as a support in any manner. If you look at the cinematic animation where he tears into local thugs, he doesn’t carry the ‘support’ air to him. His voice lines ‘bring the noise, bring the ruckus’, ‘I’m an army of one’, all of it. It just doesn’t feel right for that IMO.