Solider 76 is Gay ok. But

I can’t speak English and it depends on a translator.
However, developers will look at. maybe…

All I want to say is…
Why doesn’t the fans have any room to interpret?
Yes S76 is gay. but why Reaper,Ana… They don’t know who it is.
They have a family, but Maybe they love women, maybe they love men…
But why didn’t you give the character room for interpretation?
for homosexuality only

Sure. The contents of the novel and comic book were natural.
That was good.
But It’s really natural and if they want to be around, We should not treat them in special ways.
Why did Chu decide Tracer,S76 Sexual identity on Twitter?
Why didn’t you just give them room for interpretation?
Are you treating them in a special way?
Gay and lesbian are not special.
But You’ve confirmed a homosexual heroes.
If then, What about the remaining heroes?
Are they straight?
Why don’t they check because they are heterosexual?
The difference in this fact makes the other uncomfortable.

If you want people to take it for granted, just give them room for interpretation.
like Ana and TORBJÖRN,widowmaker.
Just like your how The relationship between Genji and Mercy
You have to show it to any media.
Give me room to interpret as they are gay or bi or Lesbian or something else. Like you showed in the novel.

If you’re going to show it as if it’s special, When the hero is open, Show them together." Overwatch Have Homosexual Characters! And we’re proud of it. " if you want to say.
If you can only confirm homosexuality without giving us room for interpretation,

If it doesn’t give us room to interpret the character, Why did you hide a year and two years? You’re saying it’s normal, but you’re making it special Information.

Once again
S76 gay Ok , Tracer Lesbian It ok.
I like it.

but You treat homosexuality to a special degree.
It’s not great, it’s ordinary.
Just like any other heroes, give him room for interpretation.
Then other heroes may have their own stories, too. without much notice.
Anyone can be a hero. But You can’t lean to one side.

When 76 said gay, If he had only shown it as a novel, he would have naturally passed it. He can love the same man in interpretation. Like the Reaper has a family.
But Chu decided S76 Sexual identity on Twitter.
So All the information was focused on him being gay.
The other heroes’ sexual identity was not made public, was it?
you want say " We need to respond that this is not special "
but you’re making it , it is special Information!

I think. Why would you show me that decided information? It starts with the question. and This is noteworthy after all. because It’s character’s setting. And this was added without giving me time to interpret. yep. … This is not disclosed from the start, nor has any other information been added recently.
This is noteworthy after all. … Some people will think that it is sudden. They didn’t really feel uncomfortable about it But they’ll feel uncomfortable being forced. Compulsory inconvenience has led to discrimination. When it was decide that 76 gay. There was a lot of swearing in various communities about gay…Gay people mental suffered a lot… in my country. I’m sad. :frowning:
It’s not about empowering them. I think this is a selfish way of dealing with minorities… After all, what we want is equality in living together… Everyone can be a hero, nothing special… This PC disclosure feels like a show.

Don’t fuss this information. If you want to say this is normal,
Please don’t give one side special treatment about information.
Please treat equally.
Leave it as a place to interpret. Then We’ll think they of gay or lesbian or bi or something else. Like heterosexual heroes. Over time, people change, and personality changes.

Yep… I don’t know more…


I applaud you good sir. This is a worthy addition, and should be taken into serious consideration by the writers.

As it currently is, the story barely exists.

Actually. No, the story is non-existent.
3 years in, and we have nothing to show for all that we know. Honestly, I just want a story mode ffs.

So far we’ve got gays and talking animals, but no story. Blizzard, can you give us at least that?


I can’t speak English and it depends on a translator.

Well Plex, you’re lucky it doesn’t depend on a transcoder. That can grind you down to a halt.

Agreed the OW lore barely progressed at all. With this reveal i felt like was tacked on to 76, for two years we could have gotten lore that could have hinted towards 76’s sexuality, same goes for tracer. But it just bam, they’re gay. I also feel like it’s to deflect the criticism of OW lacking game or lore content and people are catching on. Not to mention the big “Ellie” controversy a couple of weeks ago.

I agree with this. Being gay/lesbian shouldn’t be seen as something special. It’s just one part that makes up a whole person. I understand that people want to feel represented in games, but honestly learning about the sexual orientation of the character is just a nice little fact. It doesn’t change the way I see the character, so it surprises me when people who are for or against it make such a big deal about it.

Anyway we didn’t have to confirm their sexuality… Like we don’t check heroes heterosexuality. It’s natural and ordinary. So please hide it in a special way and don’t reveal. It makes us rather obsessed with it.
Rather than to focus on the existence of homosexual in all of game. Leave it as a place to interpret and I hope they focus on the fact that they are not much different.

S76 left Vincent for his purpose.
So he’s probably been alone for over 20 years.
It doesn’t important that he is gay.
He’s just Jack,John? Francis Morrison, Soldier 76.
It’s no different than before.
He will still wear Grillmaster: 76 skins. He can wear anything without prejudice.

If the fact that he’s gay is important, If you emphasize that it’s not part of mediocrity, This will not be an effort to mingle with them. I would feel that This is not just a political correctness but a show To show heroes in the name of diversity.

I don’t want them to be defined with a focus on homosexuals.
I just want to see S76 as S76 . Tracer too.
It is the same with other heroes.

I got a surprise for you:

You can see S76 as S76 and Tracer as Tracer because Tracer is Tracer and S76 is S76


See…the problem here is:

If Jack left Vivian behind to go off and fight the good fight, everyone would be heartbroken and singing his praises for being a good soldier.

But Jack left Vincent behind to go off and fight the good fight. I’m heartbroken for him and I’m proud of him for doing what he felt was the right thing no matter how much it hurt him.

However for people:

Vivian = awwww

The sooner being LGBTQIA is as unremarkable as have brown hair or blue eyes, the better.


Yes I can see S76 as S76 and Tracer as Tracer because Tracer is Tracer and S76 is S76.

But in my country, Their story was buried. all most people don’t see them as them. They don’t see much of another things and they just think S76’s gay. At least in my country. It could be a difference in the culture of the country. And Overwatch handle with every country and is loved by every country. And homosexuality people are everywhere.

If it was an love simulation game, it would be appreciated. In the game, all profiles are open to the public.
But in general media and game and in life,
Why should sexual orientation be open to the public only homosexual? If it’s not open, is it all heterosexual?
Rather, This behavior seems to imprint that they are different.

Some people will think that it is sudden. It’s not a surprise and They didn’t really feel uncomfortable about it But they’ll feel uncomfortable being forced. We don’t particularly show heterosexuality to attention. Why make them pay special attention? Compulsory inconvenience has led to discrimination.
I mean, They shouldn’t make this special And it should not be made public in special.
Not only heterosexuals, but gay people also suffered.
Their existence is natural, They also did not want to be open like this. If that’s only true in my country. OK…

  • The novel was natural. The media was naturally released. He has no problem being gay. Because he’s gay. But it was not necessary for developers to be confirmed. And there was no need to pay attention to them, mentioning them in a special way. Their actions led them to focus only on the word homosexual.
    If you think it’s natural no matter what the some people says, why should I say it? take the idea that.
    Leave it as a place to interpret.
    If they think it’s natural and obvious, people will change.

Rather, if you expose minority in a special way, it can be seen as a selfish act to take care of your self-esteem.
All they want is to be treated same on this subject.

  • I love heterosexuality -> OK
    I’m straight -> OK
    I’m gay or bi or lesbian or Something else. -> OK! I like it. I don’t mind who you are. I support them. We need to respect diversity.:slight_smile: << ?? :(?
    true words, but I think. It should just -> OK.

Three days later, People who didn’t care about the existence of them were left with only a sense of antipathy . Most of the gamer in my country. They think it’s a recent game companies PC show and forced.
S76 was naturally opened to the public, but everything was focused on the gay.
Of course there were people who welcomed information.
those who had originally thought of S76 as gay. gay shipping creators. And people who have accepted gay people.

Even if S76’s Existence can empower them,
After all, what we want is equality in living together.
The intention was good, but it didn’t convey the meaning.
Yes. It was not delivered to the people we were supposed to convey.

Yes, nothing has improved in my country…
It’s been two years since overwatch revealed Tracer’s sexual orientation. They focused on being lesbian and just passed by. I look at S76’s reaction to the information, nothing seems to have improved. They began to avoid it and just swearing , rather than being acknowledgment. :frowning:

Rather by taking it as special, we did not take it naturally.
If we treat this as normal, And if we take it for granted. Then maybe They could change think of it as a normal thing.

We can find a better way.

I think There is no problem.
This reaction is inevitable in the course of change.
It is difficult to change people’s established values.
So You can’t change a lot at once.
But they can change. Of course, It takes time to accept.

The interpretation changes over time.
Even if it’s the reaction “OMG!!” now, it will be evaluated later like Vivian.

The story was natural. I do not want to change the story.
But I just want.
Don’t let them feel forced by giving them room for interpretation like heterosexual.

  • Jack and Vincent were in a romantic relationship many years ago. -> OK
    identify as gay -> OK, but We don’t check heterosexuality.??

We know Ana loves(or ed) Sam. but We don’t say " she identify as straight.".
I think, This is certainly not natural.

Don’t make this special.
We can interpret it because of the information given.
But If We make this special emphasize, people will focus only on the their sexual identity, That would be a delay in accepting.


The overwatch twitter and micheal chu have always confirmed or denied information.

People wanted know if Soldier was gay or bi through comments on his twitter post with the Bastet story and he confirmed.

People asked if McCree and Ashe had a relationship and he clarified that they did not on twitter because people asked.

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Torbjorn and Ana are confirmed to be straight (or at the very least bi) because we see their partners and natural offspring referenced in the comics. Widowmaker’s whole backstory revolves around her having been brainwashed to murder her opposite-gendered husband. Tracer and Soldier were both only confirmed as gay (or at the very least bi) because we see their partners mentioned in comics/shorts. The reveals were treated pretty much identically in the lore, except people are only flipping out about the gay ones.

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Exactly my words.

Why don’t let people make up their own interpretations about a character’s sexuality? why force it onto people like they did with Tracer and Soldier 76?

Yes, if they had done the same thing with a straight character, nobody would have complained about it. But that’s because the majority of society is straight. It’s just the norm.

Blame straights or the LGBT community all you want, the true offender here is Blizzard.


Leave Sexual identity out of video games, it is totally unnecessary. We do not need to be spoon feed every little aspect of a characters life. It is best to leave thing some things to the imagination.


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Because people asked…
Developers can solve the information may also leave room for interpretation may be hiding.

about heroes, in this respect
Mostly he defines relationships with people.
And he can confirm or reject it. And sometimes it’s can silent. as far as I know

McCree and Ashe, and Dae-hyun , Vincent and Jack ,

They give us provide information about their relationship.
And if we get information about the relationship, we can guess.

They’re not dating, nor did they date in the past.
Dae-hyun’s a best friend. He knows her best. He is also most aware of the burden she bears.
Jack and Vincent were in a romantic relationship many years ago , Like the two pieces of information, We can know him with this information alone.

When it comes to his identity, You already got the information. Why can’t you see it? Is gay information essential to add?

Even though most of the world is heterosexual, That is not why it should be stated.
well… When you build relationships with people, it can be made public. but this’s the media.
They showed their love for the same gender in the story.
we can fully understand his identity with that information.

I think disclosure of sexual identity is too much information.

leaving room for interpretation would’ve been a nice choice actually.

see, i thought soldier had a long lost buddy that died at war. to me it was more touching than the actual story they came up with…

they ruined it for me… heh

Jack and Vincent were in a romantic relationship many years ago.

Whether it’s heterosexual or homosexual, the opportunity to interpret it is the information that’s been disclosed above. Other clues don’t prove to be homosexual.
Even if you show me a rainbow, You can be seen as a proponent, not as homosexual.
The only difference between homosexuality and heterosexuality is the person they love.

Photographs leave many interpretations, but they don’t prove that he’s homosexual.

Jack was officially declared gay. In my opinion, it’s been less than a day since the novel was released,

People can feel that ‘It is sudden’.

at this point in time If Ana is declared heterosexual, We say " Why are you declared about this?" but We can easily accept. It’s not just because she’s straight.
She had a husband and a daughter.
It has been a long time since we accepted this information.
So even if the declaration is awkward, we can say it.
There’s evidence that she loved the opposite sex.

The same goes for Torbjörn.
He also clearly showed up with his daughter and wife.

But in this case,
Jack and Vincent were in a romantic relationship many years ago. It came out at the same time with the fact that S76 is gay.

The controversy would be similar if other heroes who are not now related to family and lovers were confirmed as heterosexual or homosexual.

It’s clear that it’s differentiated from other information.

Anyway, it’s not fair to be officially declared. It’s not only awkward, it’s only causing controversy.

People asked if he could be bisexual or gay. And he answered. It’s that simple.

What about Reaper? I have seen so, so many people stating that he’s obviously straight, even though we don’t really know. People just decided that if he “managed to have a family”, it’s gotta mean “wife and kids”. That’s not sudden? For a character like him? We’ve seen him before, there was absolutely nothing pointing to him having a wife, let alone an entire family, but no one, no one is complaining that it’s “sudden”. And it is sudden… I’ve seen maybe two or three people go “oh?”, but everyone else just accepted.

I don’t know if I read the sentences properly because of through interpreter program…

It’s different from person to person, but most people don’t think character’s sexual orientation when they play games.

We need to tell this apart.

A lot of people who try to distinguish sexual orientation may think character’s straight, Because most people are straight.
But obviously there were people who had thought the character was Homosexuality or another.
It was all possible because it gave the characters a blank space.
Even if the male lead in the official shares love with the female lead, the BL,GL genre could come out because of this blank space.
There’s no guarantee that character won’t love the same sex.

There are now many heroes who do not show the elements of romance now.
The sexual orientation of heroes who did not show romance can be interpreted as a blank space.
Even if it is shown, various interpretations can be made with that information and gender.
Like Genji and Mercy’s Interactions information.
But like there’s someone who likes a PharMercy.

I interpret the sexual orientation of Reaper as a blank space.

Maybe because of the family that Christmas Comics showed people, it could be interpreted that way.
But it’s just part of the interpretation.

the novel only mentioned ‘“At least you and Gabe managed to have families.”’ and I have no idea what Gabe’s family was like.
Omnic or male,female may be his family, and interpretations vary widely.

People can interpret many things.
It’s free and don’t try to suppress it.
Even if many people interpret it as heterosexual, you and another people can interpret it as homosexual or another.

And of course many people would interpret it as homosexual if the official gave information about love for the same sex.

I don’t want to question people’s reactions.
They will change.

I am taking issue with how to deal with homosexuality in the official.
Do they have to reveal their identity? without blank space.
Do you think their existence will disappear if they don’t go public?
The evidence that they love and loved the same sex is fully revealed through spray and storytelling.
And with the developer’s statement that They were in a romantic relationship it’s obvious.

Their storytelling… novel and comics are perfect, but
On the whole, it’s unnatural.
I feel like they’re bringing a story to coming out character’s sexual orientation.
In Comics and Novel.
other characters don’t show and mention love stories as much as soldier76 and Tracer.
Most of the characters don’t show love history very much.

And the spray that comes with it.
As far as I know, the photo of Widowmaker&Gerard and Ana&Sam have been updated in the omnic crisis event 2017.

But why are spray of Soldier76&Vincent …
Why haven’t they updated for two years?
like widowmaker and Ana.

They were sure to be able to give information.
But they always reveal it by hiding it.
I wonder if they treat their information equally.

To inform character’s sexual identity,
Will they always show the information like this way? hmm…

All I know is, twitter was on fire because of it and a lot of people wrote about it …
Some of them didn’t even spoke about the story.
Maybe they are just making money off the idea as usual because they know twitter will talk about it.