Soldier, Symm, Pharah, Ashe, Junkrat Buff idea

Just Nerf widow(Hanzo and Mei too).

Balance the Game Blizzard, you re not a small indie company(I Hope that).


Ah, you again.

You know, whining (spamming about these heroes on the forums coughs) wont help you getting better against dealing with them, etc.

Oh and btw, they already nerfed these heroes not that long ago either. If anything it’s you problem if you cant deal with them.

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Literally just wait 12 hours.

Widow’s rifle needs to take longer to charge up.

B-but what if the dev update is Thursday!

Easy answer:
Then we wait two days longer.

That is a revolutionary concept.

I have literally the double SR of your main account.

I’m 90% sure it’s tomorrow. If not, then the forums just got jebaited.

Wow what an original answer you got there but hey, you do you bud, you do you.

Well he said “towards the end of the month” so Thurs could fit. Tomorrow would be nice though!

Jeff said on the 21st:


Thursday is still part of this week you know…