Soldier : 76 = op?

Oh damn, cs:go added melee shield heroes to the game? They did that in CoD MW2.


If you really compare ow with tac shooters you are bad at both games imo.


Don’t be so sure. This weeks’ GM stats are in:

He’s now the top-picked Damage hero in GM (or, accounting for margin of error, about equal to Tracer) and has a far higher winrate.


Yeah and soldier can now position on high ground and have more viable damage because of the fact that he doesn’t have bullet spread. He doesn’t rely solely on his rockets for damage thanks to the recent patch, now he has 2 high damage outputs. Of course this isn’t just my opinion, I’m writing this because of my recent games against soldier. Everything could have been different if there were better team play. But, then again, the Soldier could also have positioned better and maybe he could’ve carried harder. I doubt I can know this, but from personal experience he is super strong right now and tracer cannot even measure up to him.


tbf thats mostly because people are trying the changes

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he isnt op more like betterly mediocre.He is still not better than ashe or widow, he is better than cree though, also the usual projectile cast apart from hanzo and genji.

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“Trying the changes” accounts for a higher pick rate, but shouldn’t account for a way higher win rate. If people were truly just “trying the changes”, his win rate would be lower, not higher. Unless his changes are so good that you dominate even when just “trying the changes”.


That means he still has room to climb, since more people will be mentally conscious about switching to solider since he is on the winning team


The whole point of Soldier 76 was to draw in people who were used to games like CS:GO…


Apparently this is how blizzard balances now.
Creating overpowered heroes, wait and see.
First Ashe, then Genji, then Roadhog and now Soldier.
He is the new flavor of the month.

They have transformed Soldier into a version of Bastion with high mobility and a self heal.
He may not be as overpowered as Widowmaker but he is certaintly getting there.
His output damage has gone through the roof after the change and Blizzard was very aware of this.

They make heroes overpowered on purpose to “change the meta” and after a month or two decide to tone down if there is enough outcry.


You sound more upset that Soldier feels like CS:GO than you are under the assumption he’s OP with this change.

59 shots, 1 kill


A consistently high winrate doesn’t come from people ‘trying the changes’. His pickrate would’ve also started to drop by now if that was the case.


Soldiers been a D list hero for like 3 years. Let him have his fun before he’s nerfed back into oblivion.


Overbuff is Garbaaj.
The devs don’t balance based around just stats, so, GG go next. :heart:

Widow and Hanzo are far more broken in GM.
Tracer also sees more use.

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Hmm they forgot to mention they only buff or rebuff characters based off of feedback in their secret discord with pro players. These devs aren’t honest

If you think that’s solely how they balance things you’re mistaken.
I’d love for the game to be balanced purely around pro-play, it’s not.
They’ve admitted this, and several recent balance changes reflect that.

isn’t that post a clown post, so many gm players were throwing on genji to drop his winrate just to make fun of the guy

It’s from the Devs. It’s about as serious as it gets.

That’s a playerbase issue. It doesn’t change the fact that at the time he posted (prior to their trolling), Genji and Soldier were doing well stats-wise and still are.

hot take their considering both have gotten buffs so even they didn’t believe it, this was also in peak power creep when the game both characters hadn’t gotten a single change in years

I think soldier is fine right now. He still has his weaknesses, but just more consistent when you’re good with him.