Soldier 76 is gay?

What’s this from? Is he actually gay? That’s awesome!

In my 20biteen? Like

Blizzard has always been about a year behind the times.

at least this confirms that blizzard has a lore department still…

yea it consists of one guy filtering thru garbage fanfictions on tumblr, then cherry picking the least atrocious ones and passing them onto the consumer

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im refunding this game


Good luck! They won’t give you one unless you literally just bought it, sorry!

He is the furthest thing from a nationalist, he fights for an international cause. He joined the US military but always had higher goals as he so quickly joined Overwatch and continued to fight for it even as a vigilante.

I mean, he kinda seems like a conservative because of the way he talks and acts… but everyone who’s been the infantry branches of any Armed Forces climbing up the ranks for long enough is like that.

There’s plenty of very VERY conservative people who act nothing like Jack Morrigan, they are the furthest thing from athletic, forthright and strongly spoken. They’re mumbling, slouched and very indirect and imprecise in how they talk to people.

Soldier 76 is not even the sort to draw partisan differences anyway, I don’t think either political camp has much use for him.

at least for me, its just bad world building. that’s not how stories are made

What? Because he seems straight therefore he must be straight?

There’s 24 human characters in the game, it’s actually entirely statistically expected that 2 of them be gay or Bi. How is any of the heroes more obviously gay? That is terrible world building.

This isn’t an appeal to representation this is an appeal to reality.

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Just be happy we can shut down McHanzo and Pharmercy, directly- once it’s confirmed.

They need to die.
It’s a good thing.


I try to stay up on popular journals and scientific literature, but I haven’t seen this one. Care to share a link? Just the DOI will work I can find it on sci-hub then. Thanks friend.

He has to be the most stoic, hardcore gay man I’ve ever seen in a video game, like ever, since pong.

I main a gay hero, have no issues with it but I’ll admit, this one took me by surprise.

Yeah, you can’t use the refund system to as a way to get free rentals. It’s for things like “darn, my GPU just can’t handle this” or “wait, I thought this was an RTS game, I can’t play FPS games they make me motion sick.”

And you definitely can’t get a very belated refund for “ewww, there are gays in this game?”

I’m sorry you feel that way, that’s not what I meant by my post.

I am very supportive of both those ships and politely ask you to stop ship bashing those you don’t like and the people that support them.

Blizz’s refund conditions are quite strict. Not that i feel bad for someone who feels like they need a refund because 76 is gay. Lmao.


They took the toughest guy in the game and made him gay! Brilliant! :smiley::star_struck:

You… obviously didn’t read the story…

Is that what you think the reveal was?

Ana: “Oh, hello there Jack Morrigan, looks like you have something to say.”
Jack: “Why yes, I certainly do. I’m gay, lol.”
Ana: “Do you have anything else to say?”
Jack “Nope, that’s all that’s happening in this story, an announcement. Certainly not any mention of personal sacrifice nor reflection on my decisions that led to this point… just… I’m gay.”
Ana: “Wow, what an accurate and non-misleading summary of events. I guess all the other pages of this story are just a misprint or something”

it goes back to the biggest reason other then religion that people don’t like gay people

People like you making up slanderous things about them?

The whole you don’t have to shove it down my throat thing has simmered down thankfully but many still don’t understand that’s why so many people don’t care.

Oh yeah… tell us more about how much you don’t care.

Don’t ask don’t tell rules.

That was a policy that had gay men and women court martialed if they didn’t cover up their homosexuality while in the military. It was a transparently anti-gay policy, no heterosexual would face a court martial for ever letting slip that they had any heterosexual relationship or interest.


Nah, that’s probably the fandom which is making you think that. xD

I will openly state my discontent for “forceful”, artificial interaction and romantic fan-fiction.

I do not like coming across it.
I am personally happy that S:76 is gay and/or bi, I think it fits him, despite being a tad cliche, it makes sense logically.

Nowhere in my post did I say anything towards the people who make those ships.

Where’d you get that from? Oh, here we are.

Don’t put words in other people’s mouths because they have a differing opinion.
It doesn’t work, and it makes you seem like a [redacted], which I’m sure you’re not.

I’m sorry for taking your post out of context, but my opinion stands.
I apologize if it offends you, but I will not take it back.

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Yeah but that’s bad writing ya know?

insert sarcasm here

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