So... Wrecking Ball lore question

New short or comic when?

You canā€™t tease us like this and not give us a hammond comic!

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Here he is!
I wonder how old he is in this photo?
Mr. Chu how long ago was this flashback look at Hammond?

As to why hog isnā€™t with him, this is in the past, they donā€™t know one another and hog doesnā€™t like Junkertown and was living outside the compound

(My hc is he was an enforcer for the previous ruler and refused to be an enforcer for the queen which lead him to being kicked out, or he helped her overthrow the current ruler but he didnt like how she planned to run JT and confronted her.

Hence why he can return but only after giving up his weapons to the guards, also she calls him ā€œMakoā€ not Roadhog, so thereā€™s definitely a past relationship there)


so she enacted a coup dā€™etat ?

Is this why hog and Junk donā€™t respect her?

I think Junkrat doesnā€™t like her because she is hunting him for his treasure and apparently is pretty cavalier about her enforcers using violence to get info out of him.

Though right now we know the tax rule is solely the Queens rule and itā€™d make sense if Hog was a prior enforcer for her or a past ruler and she brought on the new rules that heā€™d be fed up enough to do something thatā€™d get him in trouble.

Also thereā€™s the whole pay your share rule. Which with Rat we know heā€™s a bit on the greedy side, so that rule along with taxing probably doesnā€™t endear her rule to him much.

Because the only thing stupider than a freakinā€™ hamster piloting a mech are the people of Junkertown, apparently.


I thought the didnā€™t respect her because of not liking her taxes (Bruce mentioned something to the effect of taxes or a protection racket going on) and her way of governing, which is pretty standard for any political figure that any individual didnā€™t/doesnā€™t support. Even if she was peacefully elected or if that was the standard procedure for choosing leaders they may not have respected her.

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Because the pilot never revealed themself? Is that really so hard to imagine, a supergenius hamster being able to keep his identity hidden?

Gasp Plot twist! We didnā€™t see that coming!

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They said noone in junkertown has ever seen the driver of the robotic ball.

Given the fact that junkers hate and distrust omnics, this makes no sense at all.
If they never saw a driver, how can they trust that wrecking ball is not an omnic?
Hammond canā€™t speak either, so if he uses the robotic voice, junkers will be even more on edge.

What we know:
The robot in question moves and fights while the driver never shows himself, so others donā€™t know if there is even a driver in that thing.
The robot in question is too small to fit a human in.
The robot in question gets upgraded and fixed somehow, yet noone has ever seen the driver or anyone else fixing it.
The robot in question could very well fake inactivity or whatever when not fighting, itā€™s impossible for the junkers to know if its sentient or not, as they havenā€™t seen anyone or have any indication of someone controlling it.
The junkers do not know Hammond the hamster exists, since they never saw him, as he hide himself so well.
The Junkers hate and distrust omnics, so they surely wouldnā€™t trust a robot were a human canā€™t fit and the driver never shows up.


Wait a second. If the queen became such by winning the championship, how came that hammond isnā€™t a king then? :thinking:

Because itā€™s clearly not an Omnic. It doesnā€™t resemble any model of any Omnic. And I imagine thereā€™s a life decting sensor or something similar in Junkertown to make sure no Omnics make it through.

Humans can fit in that mech. If you look at the picture, the mech stands taller than JunkerQueen.

She changed the rules to make her a permanent ruler. No one can fight back, because sheā€™s already beaten everyone and the people love her.

But she even gives him a crown.

Like a trophy.

What? It doesnā€™t resemble any model of any Omnic?
Even if they never seen this model before, Itā€™s a robot moving on its own as far as they can tell.
Remember hammond is so good at hiding himself, they donā€™t know he exists.

If they had life detecting sensor they would detect a small creature inside, which is clearly way too small to be a human, even for a little person or child, so they would be even more on edge and curious to see this driver.

It just doesnā€™t make any sense any way you put it.


No, it doesnā€™t.

You could totally fit someone in there, especially if they were a little smaller. Itā€™s not too far of a stretch. Junkertown isnā€™t exactly the place where everyone is accounted for. NO one is going to care if the Junkertown Champion doesnā€™t want to reveal his face.

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All of these comments to repeat something I stated 30 comments agoā€¦ -.-.
Anyways; Iā€™m also guessing that they did not think it was an omnic. The mech can translate hammonds voice after all so maybe he said heā€™s just a small guy in there. Who knows.
I find it peculiar that in the ow skins, Hammond is portrayed as if he was visible back then, with his own junker ā€œclothesā€ and hairstyle.

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Youā€™re right! That just leaves me with even more questions!

This whole time, Winston has thought he abandoned his friend on the moon? When Horizon dropped, we couldnā€™t have gotten something like:

ā€œIā€™m back, Hammond. This time, Iā€™m not leaving without you.ā€

Or something on other maps like:

ā€œI canā€™t believe I abandoned him. What if somethingā€™sā€¦? No, no. As clever as he is, Hammondā€™s gotta be okay!ā€

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If she used popularity to become Queen, sheā€™s practically the Overwatch version of the Kardashians.