So why was Torbjorn nerfed?

I dont understand the nerf. It is not like he has tiniest hitbox in the game and a really big head. I just dont understand why they nerfed him. It is not like he has a mobility option like Tracer, he only has the speed boost from Overload. I think that being somewhat immobile and having a hitbox like that balances his high damage. He isnt even played that much in OWL and higher ranks. His rework and Sym’s ones were the ones that didnt get nerfed at all, but now it seems like Sym is the only one.

To all Torbjorn mains, you have been backstabbed by this decision, and I truly support you. Lets hope they change something about this.

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There is the dev’s reasoning. It’s another matter altogether if you agree or not.


Wait but I thought Overload only brought him speed, faster reload and shooting? Not damage?

I’ve been backstabbed by a freaking chainsaw with that stupid nerf

This. I solo melted a Roadhog yesterday by popping overload and shotgunning him to death when his hook was down. It was pretty easy.

You’re right. It’s not a damage per shot buff, but the increased fire rate and reload speed equal a much higher rate of DPS.

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I guess torb can’t ever be viable while hanzo and widow can just delete everyone in the blink of an eye while receiving no nerfs


I mean, they have different roles. It isnt that fair to compare an accurate sniper to a more RNG shotgun.

he gets faster everything doe.
faster shotgun bullets and fast reload isnt a good combo so ic where they came from.

is it too much? not really. was it needed? nope. does it change anything? welp yes now torb wont challenge shotgun based character and win for free technically.

Tbh I have never seen Torb a problem. I am just kinda meh about this nerf.

well why are you mad about it den making a post as if they made him bad?

same because i dont see him as an issue

It just made me confused. Torb is a character I see once a day or even less. I just thought he wasnt that good to receive a nerf. I am not mad, I barely played/play torb anyway. It just made me scratch my head about this one.

i mean i have been seeing torb quite alot recently. i even know some people who are adding him to their main list. he is a good character rn. he is just underestimated due to his rep

Because apparently bad players have no idea how to shoot a square.

I’m honestly confused about it.

Like I see the dev reasoning, but personally? I’ve never had or seen an issue.

If a Torb pops overload and gets close enough to take one person out with right click, by the time overload has finished my whole team has swarmed him and murdered him.

Plus Overload is on like. What? A 10 second cooldown or something? So it’s not like he can even pop it that often.

He also still has one of the easiest crit boxes to hit by far (I feel like Orisa and may surpass him though) so you didn’t really have to do much to deal with the Swedish gremlin either.

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Some random Torb main probably mocked Jeff with his new meatball voice line.