So who's Emre Sarioglu

Let the Stylosa video commence…

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And let us wait for Onickel to upload a video too…


Well, its quite obviously Mama Hong guys.

She pulled a Mulan on us and cut her hair short, donned a male name and joined the fight because her father couldn’t.

We’ve cracked it.


wheres this from?
did a new comic come out?

Hoping he/she’s a villain who went to Talon after the fall of Overwatch; I’m hoping for more villain characters!

It’s from the PlayOverwatch twitter.

Twitter post. I typed it up in another thread.


thanks bro. …

Emre is a Turkish Male name, just looked it up.

Hopefully, Mohawk Guy


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How could I be so easily fooled? Thanks for catching that for me.

From your lips to the devs ears my friend.

Emre is Soundquake, because that is the hero that everyone forgot.


oh i wonder what’s going to happen next?

Maybe it’s going to also be the next uprising mission?
We have a healer (ana), tank (rein), torb and whatever Emre is going to be.
That’s four heroes, perfect for a pve game.

It could be:

A: Hero 27
B: Someone related to hero 27. Think Efi, she was the one hinted at but we got Orisa.
C: A disctraction. The hero isn’t Emre, but someone else that was part of that story. (Like whatever hurt Torb, or something else)


Follow this pattern

July Ana, November (Blizzcon '16) Sombra, March Orisa, July Doomfist, November (Blizzcon '17) Moria. By following this pattern we may get heroe 27 on/or/in March like how Orisa was released, unless the pattern changes somehow.


I’m also open to this theory. Emre might not be Hero 27, but maybe was just part of the fight against Hero 27. Hero 27 could be an omnic that they fought against in this operation. The new hero could even be called “White Dome” for all we know.

Not married to the idea, just want to keep an open mind.

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So… all that talk of us knowing who the next hero is was all for naught?
Or is he like that guy from Ana’s group photo at Overwatch?